Chapter 48 (admire)

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Note: let's see if I can post daily! :>


                     ♦️selever + julius♥️

♦️"Hey julius, ima go see if I can ask my mom if she can make you some soup. Do you think you can hold up until I get back? I can get you another blanket."
♥️It took me a minute to realize selever was talking to me, I had bin to intrigued by his face to notice.
"H-huh? Oh! Yeah! I'll be okay! You don't have to get the blanket, I'm already so warm~"
♦️"We'll okay then, if you say so, I'll be back."
♥️"Alrighty then! Oh, and thank you!"
♦️"Hmm? Oh, your welcome"
I let julius out of my sweater and leave the room, I start heading out the door and then down the stairs, I hope mom will be able to do this for julius.


Damn, I can't help but put selevers pillow on my face and squeal, I feel so happy! I love how much selever cares for me, first he puts me inside his sweater with him, and now asks me if I need and extra blanket? I feel so excited~! It feels like my hearts gonna burst out of my chest~! I feel so fucking loved right now~! It's like his care is devouring me whole~! Speaking of witch, I had to admire selevers kindness for asking his mother if she can make me some nice delicious warm soup! It's warms my heart even more now that I think of how much he's doing for me! I just wanna  kiss him! I-...I can't kiss him tho, well...maybe eventually~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!

As I head downstairs to the kitchen, I hear a high pitch sound from my room as I do. I wondered if julius was okay up there, I hope he is, I really do. I-...ugh, my feeling are getting out of control, what am I supposed to do! I guess I can try and talk to mom about it. Maybe she knows how I can try to control my feelings. But not right now, just if she can make some soup for juli for now. Actually, I haven't thought or said juli in awhile, he said I could, so I guess I can. Anyway, once I had gotten to the bottom of the stairs, I see my mom in the kitchen, she looks jolly per usual.

♦️selever + sarvente💖

♦️"Hey mom! I have a question, can you make a soup for julius? I wanna make sure he feels better, so can you?"
💖"Hmm? Oh! Of-course! I've bin working on it actually."
♦️"REALLY!? Thank you mom!"
💖"Your welcome sweety!"
♦️"Umm, mom, can I talk to you later about something important?"
💖"We'll of-course sweety! What is it, I wanna make sure I'll be prepared for the subject."
♦️"'s about...uhh..."
💖"Go ahead, I don't mind any topic."
♦️"It's's about love okay!"
💖"Oh, who do you like~?"
♦️"I said if we could talk about this later!"
💖"Alright alright sweety, I just like tease~!"
♦️"I know very well already, I'm gonna go back upstairs with julius now."
💖"Okay then, by sweety!"
♦️"By mom, see you later!"
I start to head back upstairs.
💖I giggle to myself, I already know who he likes~! You can hide it easily from him, but not your own mother~!

♦️selever + julius♥️

♥️I hear someone coming back upstairs, I realize it's selever from the sound of the heels. I quickly sit up and put selevers pillow back, I waited.
♦️"Hey, I'm back, are you feeling okay?"
♥️"Yeah! I feel really warm!"
♦️"Good, do you wanna cuddle again? I don't mind getting sick."
♥️"R-really? Yes! I mean, yes please."
♦️"Okay then."
I get in bed with julius, I lay down next to him, he starts to cuddle into me once I fully laid down. He seemed more cuddly then before tho, like, really really cuddly, I guess he just really likes this.
♥️I'm getting a little to happy, but I think it's calming down, I love cuddling my beloved! But...I'm worried that I might actually make him get sick. It's a bad thing if we both can't go to school, and if we're both very sick. I know he said that it's okay if he dose, but I still feel bad, I really wanna make sure he's okay. So I start to back away slowly from his arms, not wanting to let go, but wanting him to be okay. It's the best option for him to stay healthy, nice and healthy.
♦️I notice julius slowly getting farther away from me,
"Is something wrong?"
I say, wondering if he's alright.
♥️Not wanting to make selever upset, I say,
"I'm good now! We don't have to cuddle anymore!"
♦️"Are you sure? I wanna make sure your okay."
♥️"yeah! Really, I'll be okay now!"
♦️"We'll...if you say so..."
I'm kinda sad that we can't cuddle anymore, I liked how he wrapped around me... I guess I'll have to wait until he's wants to again...damn't feelings...CAN YOU SHUT UP!?
♥️An hour had gone by sense we stoped, and I feel like an iceberg. It's so damn cold...I wanna cuddle, but I really don't want him to get sick... I feel so stupid at the same time for not doing so...ugh...what am I supposed to do...? I feel so cold without him, I know I'll probably get more sick if I don't cuddle him, but it's better than getting my beloved love sick! I'll just have ignore it, or at least try to, it's really hard not to shiver and stop my teeth chittering together. I really don't want selever to worry...
♦️I feel really concerned for julius, I feel like he's hiding something from me, but I'm not sure if he is or not. He's has his eyes closed tightly and he's starting to sweat from he side of the head. I'm not sure what I should do to see what's wrong, I feel like I have to talk to him, but I feel like he'd feel panicked if I do. Ugh, what am I supposed to do to help him right now!? Is he still cold, he dose have his arms crossed as well. I'm not really sure why he's cold tho, when you have a fever you usually turn into the sun, or, just really warm. But I guess it's different for julius, or sense demons are able to resist heat really well. I guess it's a reverse affect for us demons then, so it's probably feels like julius is in Antarctica right now, poor thing. Wait, I'm half human, how would that turn out for me? Ugh, whatever, I guess I have no choice but to talk to juli.
"Hey julius, you feeling okay?"
"Y-yeah...I'm g-great!"
Damn't, I should've nodded instead...
♦️"Are you sure? Your kinda sweating from the side..."
I knew he'd panic...
"I-i guess I didn't notice, hehe..."
♦️"Are you lying to me?"
♥️"what? N-no! Of-course not..."
♦️"I feel like you are...
♥️"I'm not! T-trust me"
♦️"Listen, if you are cold we can cuddle, I already told you that I don't care if I get sick if it's because of that, at least you'll be okay."
♥️"I...okay...I am cold..."
♦️"Thank you for telling me, now come here."
I hold my arms out for julius to come to me.
♥️I go into selevers arms, cuddling into him, he was so warm~. I finally let my tension loose, my body started shivering like fuck, so did my chittering.
♥️"A-awhile...umm...actually...sense we stoped..."
♦️I sigh, I cuddle julius close to me, I use my powers to put him in my sweater with me again. I had realized why he had bin sweating now, he's bin trying to hold his body back from creating anything to catch my attention. Why tho, why wouldn't he want me to help him?
"Why did you hide the fact that you were cold?"
♥️"We''s because of the thing you said before...I didn't wanna get you sick, like me..."
♦️I sigh at julius's response again, I put his head on my chest, then I cuddled him tighter, more than before, he's right up against my body.
"I will say this as many times as I need to, I don't care if I get sick, I'm making sure you stay warm weather you like it or not."
♥️My hearts racing like fuck, my body's already heating up again, I feel like a tomato as selever puts my head on his chest and cuddles me tighter. Dose he really care about me this much? Am I imagining this hold thing? Am I in a dream? This can't be possible, I've never felt so loved, so cared for, my hearts about to explode. I feel myself burning up now, my head is sweating again, but from a good thing, I feel so fucking happy~! I cuddle into selevers body more, as much as I could, wanting to feel all of him, wanting to be a teddy bear for him, ALL FOR HIM~! Everything I do, will always be for my beautiful beloved~! It will always be for him, and some other point farther in time, it will be for all five of us, a family~!❤️

                      —to be continued—

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