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Precious pov
            It's happening again. For the third time since I moved in with my uncle and his wife I was changing schools. There has never been an explanation for why I changed  schools but I strongly believed it was of preventing others from noticing my pain.
     "Hey, I'm Daniel." I turned around to face my new seat partner; Daniel. He was quite fair with large black eyes, puffy cheeks and long lips which was curved into a cocky smile.  He was cute. But his cockiness reminded me of my annoying cousin. I turned away without replying. Looking sideways I saw him from and Hite the inside of his mouth.
   " Good morning class," my new primary five teacher greeted. Mrs. Wilson was dark, plump and had a very friendly smile. She reminded me a lot of my mum, " Let's all be nice to Precious because we are..."
" One big family." The class chorused. But I just wanted to be with my real family.
                    *  * * *
      I'm Christopher precious. I'm ten years old . And I just lost my family . 
Once upon a time,I used to live with my mom , my dad and my little brother. We were one big happy family . We weren't rich but we  always had what we needed. My dad was a banker and my mum was a teacher . We were the perfect family .
And then we received another good news my mum was pregnant . Another member was going to be added to our perfect family and we were all excited.
Few months later and my mum was in labour . Premature labour. Everything happened so fast. One moment my mum was fine the next she was fighting for her life and the life of her   baby . They didn't make it.
  Our perfect world fell apart . Dad was distraught and unconsolable . Family members were in and out of our house always . They thought I won't understand the situation but I did . Mum was gone and she wasn't coming back . I howled and screamed . Everyone was shocked at my reaction . My little innocent brother caught up in it, all kept wandering around , confused, asking for mummy and wondering why dad and big sister kept crying .
  But that was the end . One year later and my dad was married again . He wanted a mother figure for us to grow up with .
    My stepmom was nice . She was almost like my mum . She understood us and took care of us and never once made us feel weren't her kids. We were almost that happy family again. But tradegy wasn't half done with us.
    Two months later and my dad was not doing well. Finally he had to be taken to the hospital and we received no encouraging words from the doctors. It was soon pretty clear that he wasn't going to make it. He finally passed on a month later after been admitted to the hospital .
    My stepmom lost custody of us. My dad never had a will so we were taken by my dad's relatives. My brother and I got separated, living with different relatives. We only speak once in a while.
   And that's why I'm here, with my uncle, changing schools. My life has been like a tradegy TV show.
     It has been a week since I registered to my new school. I was underneath the stairs, my new hiding place when Daniel found me.
   "Hey" he said sitting down beside me. I mumbled an inaudible sound in response.
   "I have been meaning to ask you a question. Why do hate me?" Daniel asked looking at me with those big eyes.
    Well to be fair, I have been ignoring him. Even after I made friends with everyone else. Maybe I don't like him because he talked of his family  a lot. I sit beside him and I have to constantly hear   stories about his family. It reminds me of everything I lost.
    "You remind me of my stupid cousin" I replied.
    "Divine?" Divine also attended this school as well and everyone knows we are related.
     Before I could say in reply we were startled by my little stupid and arrogant cousin, Divine .I guess my hiding place wasn't much of a secret after all.
    "Really precious what are you doing underneath the stairs with a boy?" Though two years younger I am, Divine has the most filthy mind in the world.
     "Learn to mind your business, fatso." Daniel replied before I could explain to Divine that nothing was happening.
    Divine fumed. His fat face turned red with anger. He really was fat. "You will be dealt with Precious". He said as he stormed off.
    "What does he mean?" Daniel asked curiously and as much as I knew he was only trying to help but I couldn't help but be angry at him. Because I knew exactly what Divine meant.

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