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     Secondary School III
    Daniel's pov
      " What're you thinking of now?"
      " Nothing." I replied.
      " You've been staring into nothingness for two minutes now."
      " I was thinking of our O'level exams. I'm scared. What of if I fail?" I gulped. Saying it out loud made me even more scared.
      " Dude relax, we have been studying together right? We are prepared. And you are one of the most brilliant people that I know. You're gonna ace it."
      " Brilliant, huh?"
      " Yes. Now what I really want to talk about is your relationship with Precious. How is it going?" Joel asked curiously.
      I stretched out on Joel's sofa to avoid looking directly at him," It's going fine." The truth is that it wasn't.
      " Have you finally asked her to be your girlfriend?"
       Now this was why it wasn't going fine," No I haven't."
       " Bro!!"
       " Huh?" I asked innocently.
        " When are you finally..."
        " We have exams to prepare for. Read." I interrupted tossing him a book.
      I was surprised to see Precious at my house when I got home. She hardly came over because our houses were far apart. Our walks were always around her house vicinity because her auntie could come home at anytime and ask for her. So she had to be on the lookout. Well thank God my mum wasn't at home or she would have made fun of me and bombarded me with questions.
      " Precious what are you doing here?" I asked concerned. She seemed to have been crying.
       " Why haven't you been picking my calls?"
      " I'm sorry I have been busy." I replied looking away, " You don't seem fine. Are you alright?"
      She shook her head before continuing like she had no strength to argue more on why I have been ignoring her," There is a problem."
       " What is it?"
      " I can't bear it anymore. The beatings are becoming unbearable. My uncle isn't saying anything about it and they don't want to further my education."
      " They said that?"I asked angrily.
      " No, but it's clear that that is how they feel. They felt annoyed when they payed for my O'level exams and they get angry whenever I talk about furthering my education." She replied crying.
     I couldn't say that I was surprised. Ever since Precious told me how she was being treated I always doubted that they would want anything good for her. Like furthering her education.
         " I'm leaving Daniel."
        " Huh?" I blinked.
        " I'm leaving. After the O'level exams. I'm leaving to stay with another aunt. I lived with her for one month before and I feel that she is a better person to live with. She had asked me to move in to her place before and now I am accepting."
       " You're leaving." That was all I could say.
      " I'm sorry. But this is the only way that I can be happy." She replied averting her eyes. It was clear that she was about to cry again.
      Trying to be the strong one I took her into my arms and hugged her tightly hoping that my beating heart won't give away the turmoil that I felt inside.

Aren't We Both HurtingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin