Lee Felix - Last Rose

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Lee Felix x Reader

Summary: A one-shot about a girl who has given up on life and a kpop-idol who is too kind to let a rose wither away. 

WARNING: Mentions of the MC no longer caring about life and wanting it to end, no drastic measures being taken but she does wait for her death instead of living - if that triggers you, please don't read this.
Take care of yourself for me, live is precious <3

It had been a while since their last fan-meeting, making both Stay's and all of the members extra excited. The atmosphere was filled with love as it radiated off their fans. Felix wasn't able to stop smiling for the entirety of the time he was on stage. His eyes sparkling, reflecting the love of his fans.

It had been so long that he had almost forgotten how many gifts they always received at these fan-meetings. The number of plushies he fell in love with instantly, even though he knew he couldn't take them home - the number of heartfelt letters that would take them hours to read. Most importantly, he had forgotten how many roses they would receive.

No other flowers, only roses.

Now that the fan-meeting has ended, the eight of them are heading over to the backstage area. As they pass by, he lets his eyes linger over the roses collected by the staff members, his heart swelling at the sight. When he sees a white rose, one that can only be given to someone's first love, his heart skips a beat. An honour each of them will take on with both hands.

A first love is never forgotten, no matter how many lovers come after. No matter how many red roses someone can give out, their white one – their first love – is one of a kind.

Seeing all these roses gives Felix mixed feelings. Of course he's happy and honoured to receive them, but at the same time it feels like such a waste, fans throwing away one of their chances at love by handing it to them, hoping for an impossible relationship. All of these roses will have withered away within eight hours as no one will be caring for them. No one will spend their time placing every single one of them into a vase, giving it water and love.

Felix's gaze settles on a single rose, causing his step to falter. His eyes widen as he does a double take to ensure he saw it correctly. A black rose. They have never received a black rose before.

Tears well up in his eyes as reality hits him. Someone gave their final chance of love to them to show them their support.

Not wasting a second, Felix snatches the rose out from among the others, carefully placing it into the pocket of his coat.

Glancing around to make sure no one saw, Felix sighs in relief when he realises no one's attention is on him.

The next couple of hours go by in a blur. The only thought on his mind being the one telling him to keep the black rose safe. As the hours tick by, Felix keeps petting the rose, only for his heart to clench when the rose feels dryer than last time he touched it.

He wouldn't have bothered if it had been any other flower. However, holding a black rose is equivalent to holding someone's heart in your hands. When a person's black rose dies, it is said that the person will die of a broken heart. Which has been rumoured to be the worst way to go, something you wouldn't even wish upon your worst enemy.

──── ⋅◈⋅ ────


That would be the best word to describe her; the girl laying on the grass field staring up at the sky with a defeated look. The sky is dark, both the moon and stars hidden from her sight, taking away that final bit of hope that maybe someone did see her for who she was. "Am I that terrible to be around? That even the stars can't share these final moments with me?" She whispers softly, the question causing her to sigh sadly.

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