The Meeting Of The Two Families

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It was a sunny day in New York City when Mikah, Myles, and their mother Angela walked into their new home.

Myles: Mom, why did we have to move to New York City? I wanted to move to New Mexico.

Angela: Do you have New Mexico money?

Myles: No.

Angela: Then welcome to New York

Mikah laughs a little before saying: Okay Mom I'm going to put my things in my room.

Angela: Okay sweetie, Myles you go too.

Myles: Yes mam.

Mikah goes to her room and unpacks her things. When she takes a break she goes to the mirror that is hanging up on her wall.

Mikah: I left my old math book at my old house, I guess I'll just settle with my new math books.

All of a sudden Bose pops his head out through the mirror.

Bose: Hi ya.

Mikah: AH!

Bose: Don't be scared, I'm a good guy.

Mikah tries to poke him but her finger goes right through him.

Mikah: So you're a ghost?

Bose: Yeah.

Mikah: Well, you're cute for a scary ghost.

Bose blushes because he liked that comment.

Bose: Thank you but I don't like scaring people, but my twin sister and my dad love to scare people.

Mikah: But you're a ghost, isn't that the best part of being a ghost?

Bose: Not for me I hate it, it makes people sad, and I don't like seeing people sad for something I did.

Mikah: Awe that's so sweet. She says while touching her heart.

Bose: I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Bose Ghostly. He says while bowing.

Mikah: My name is Mika Ray. She says while doing a curtsy.

Bose: Nice to meet you Mikah I can tell we're gonna get along just fine.

Just then Angela came in and saw Bose.

Angela: Who are you?

Mikah: Can I tell her Bosey?

Bose was happy that his new friend already had a nickname for him.

Bose: Go ahead.

Mikah: Mom Bose is a ghost.

Angela: Very funny, now seriously who is he?

Mikah puts her hand through Bose to show she's telling the truth.

Angela: AH!

Bose: Yeah, that's pretty much how Mikah reacted too, but I'm a good ghost I won't hurt you I promise.

Mikah: You're better than my twin brother Myles, you'd think he's a ghost the way he acts.

Myles then walks in and sees Bose.

Bose: Is this your brother?

Myles: Yes I am.

Bose: Is he talking to me?

Myles: No I'm talking to my sister even though I'm looking right at you. Yes, I'm talking to you.

Bose: Well from your attitude I'm just dumbfounded by the fact that you can see me.

Mikah: What do you mean?

Bose: Well since he has a rude attitude, he shouldn't be able to see me. Unless he has a rainbow gemstone.

Mikah: What's that?

Bose: It's the only thing that allows someone as audacious as Myles to see me.

Myles: Wow this is crazy your human so why wouldn't I be able to see you?

Bose: Well actually I'm a ghost

Myles: Wait, what!!?, you're a ghost?

Bose: Yes I am.

Myles: But how is this possible you look at least thirteen years old, so does that mean you died young?

Bose: Actually i'm sixteen but, I don't wanna discuss that right now.

Myles: And just why not?

Bose: Well-

Chaba then comes in through the wall along with her dad.

Chaba: You still haven't gotten rid of them yet? you will always be a white belt in ghosting. I'll take care of this myself.

Bose: No!! Bose then shoots his heat vision into Chaba's eyes.

Chaba: Oww, what's wrong with you?

Bose: We always scare people away, and I'm sick of it. They pay money to live here and all we do is scare them away. If anything I should be asking what's wrong with you.

Michael: Okay calm down.

Bose: No I won't, why do we always have to scare people? It's rude, and I'm sick of it!

Michale: Bose Mickey Ghostly Jr.

Bose: Sorry Dad I just don't wanna do this anymore. I've never had a friend before and now I still won't.

Michael: Okay fine I see your point, how would you guys like to stay here with us?

Angela: We would love that thank you so much.

Bose: No problem we are more than happy to share our home.

Chapa: And I'm sorry for attempting to scare you guys and for calling you a white belt, you're pretty cool I just want you to embrace your ghost side like me and dad.

Bose: I will but right now I don't want to. I wanna enjoy my life.

Chaba: I'm okay with that, just don't let life pass you by.

Bose: I won't, I promise.

Angela: Okay, well everybody get back to unpacking.

Bose: I'll help Mikah unpack.

Mikah: Thank you.

Bose: No problem.

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