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I’m scared from the future or maybe the past that is chasing me . I’m scared from the steps that I will take .

Will they be miracles or something beyond the unknown ! I’m scared from myself , from the decisions that I have to take or maybe I am scared from the questions in my head , from the feelings that I am hiding , from the conversations that spin around me precisely in this period of my journey .

I am scared from the terrors and doubts . Will I let the fear to ruin me or rule me , to build empire in my mind ? Will I let the tears push me to the edge? Will I fall from the top of the mountain ? 

The answer is no ‘cause as long as I know what I want and need , as long as I believe in the meaning of hope . I will throw my seeds in the darkest place . I will grow and bloom without needing from the sun to light the way , Because my warmth will make me rise by my own .

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