Chapter 5: Tohka

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Home, Japan

After encountering the Spirit and manage to escape from the flying girls including a huge object in the sky, but I feel sorry for Shido because I have no choice, but to leave him behind. I head home and gather information from Kaga who is observing the scene from the back.

John: "What we got Kaga?"

Kaga: "The girls you encounter are known as Wizards from the AST; they form by the Japanese government to combat against the Spirits."

John: "So fighting against the government.... Again. What about that object I encounter in the sky?"

Kaga: "That is the Fraxinus from Rataoskr who is saving the Spirits through peaceful means."

John: "So one side wants to kill a Spirit while the other side want to save the Spirit."

Kaga: "That's correct Master."

John: "Is that so? Any words on this evil that Hime is talking about?"

Kaga: "No; however the evil that Lady Hime is talking about must be already here in this world."

I continue to think of who would go to worlds and mess it up, but for the time being I need to focus on school work until our job here is done. So I continue my routine as usual until a week has passed since my arrival to this world.

Time Skip

Week Ago

School, Tengu City

It was week later that I continue my school life while Kaga investigate the location of this evil sources, but I come across something really weird today. I was walking my normal routine until I notice Shido talking with the teacher, but he looks nervous so I decide to spot of them and see what's going on over there. Shido continue to talk with weird thing which I can sense the teacher was off put, but for some reason Shido start to flirt with the teacher which I was shock to see.

John(shock): "HOW FORWARD WAS THAT?"

The Teacher start freaking out about marriage and having kids which cause Shido to run away from the situation which I was angry that he would do that, but first thing first is to snap the teacher out of it.


I snap my figure until she notice me.

Tamae(normal): "Hey John; what are you doing here?"

John: "You went crazy for a second there after talking with Shido, but I was able snap you out of it."

Tamae: "Thank you."

She went back to the Teacher's Office while I head for classroom which I notice Ai talking with her duo friends.

Ai: "Hey there John; what happen?"

John: "Talk with the teacher and she went crazy after Shido talk with her."

Ai: "What did he say?"

John: "Something within the flirt line."

The trio was disgust about it, but we continue to talk until the alarm ring which cause everyone to follow the similar routine, but I have a feeling that Shido guy is going to see that girl again so I decide to sneak out of the line and wait for the arrival of that girl. The Spacequake show up arrive at the school and took out the other side of the building.

John(relief): "Good thing I went the other side of the building otherwise I probably be dead again."

I open the door which I was in the closet at the far side of the building and heading to the wreckage, but I also notice the girls from the AST so I check my revolver which is fully loaded which I'm glad someone is taking care of the girl.

Time Skip

I arrive at the other side of the building to see Shido talking with the girl again which Shido is doing a sucking deal of flirting with the girl so I decide to step in which cause the girl to aim her sword at me.

John: "Drop the sword down before someone gets hurt."

???: "Who are you?"

Shido(shock): "John? What are you doing here?"

John: "Are we going to repeat the same questions again?"

Shido press his finger into his ears as if someone is talking to him inside his ear.

John: "Who are you talking to?"

Shido: "No one; just thinking."

Since when thinking become something to press you ears so I answer the girl's question.

John: "John Silver and try to figure you out."

???(angry): "Are you here to kill me?"

John: "If I did; then you would be dead long time ago."

She remain under protection style while Shido try to flirt the girl again which I question with that.

John(confuse): "What's with that flirting thing? You suck at it."

Shido(embrasses): "I know."

John: "Here's how is it done."

I went in front of the girl while I tip my hat.

John: "Sorry for my friend's weird talking, I think we enter the wrong foot here, but we're here to talk to you."

I put my revolver on the table which confuse Shido.

Shido(confuse): "Where did you get a weapon?"

John: "That's not important right now."

I grab a chair and sit down which I start to wish that I have a cigar, but I'm to young to handle smoke... Man it's suck. I sit on the chair.

John: "Let's talk."

???: "What's your angle?"

John: "Nothing; I can tell that your afraid of something.... Rejection perhaps."

That cause the girl to get more intense then before, but start to release the tense.

John: "What's your name?"

???: "I don't have a name."

John(shock): "Don't know your name? That we can't do. How about my friend here give you a name?"

She stare at Shido and nod.

John: "Come on; flirty man. Give her a name."

This cause Shido to press finger into his ears. I have a feeling someone is whispering into his ears, but the question is who. I continue to watch the girl until Shido answer it.

Shido: "How about Tomoe?"

That was enough for the girl to fire some dark energy burst at him.

???: "That sounds like you mocking me."

John(sigh): "You know how to piss girls off. How about Tohka?"

The girl start to think and agree to the name of Tohka.

Tohka: "That's my name."

John: "Good; now that's handle and I think those girls above us want to ruin the party."

I notice the girls are opening firing at us, but I wasn't faze by their guns, but DAMN THEIR WASTING AMMO!

To be Continued....

Chapter 6: First Date

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