Chapter 8: John vs AST

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Next Day

It was the day after meeting with Yoshinon and invited her to the house; Kaga told me that she is another Spirit which puts me on edge and going on defense mode. I head to the bathroom window to washing my face off and start have a flashback of seeing that girl died at Blackwater which is still a scar for me.

John: Not going to happen; not again."

I head downstairs to see Yoshinon talking with Kaga who is making breakfast.

John: "Morning ladies."

Kaga(bow): "Morning Master."

Yoshinon: "What to play a game John?"

John: "Not right now since I need to head for school, but we will after I come back. Looks like it's going to rain again."

We start eating breakfast before going to school.


I head to school while Yoshinon is planning to play in the rain again which is nice, but I told her to make sure to wash up after playing the rain so she doesn't get a cold. She agreed to it and I head to school. I walk into the classroom which I notice Tohka is having a cooking class which I hope she doesn't burn the school down. The class continue while I talk with the trio girls.

Ai: "Have any plans today John?"

John: "Got to head home today; I promise someone I play with her when I'm done here."

Mii(shock): "Wait; you promise a girl."

John: "More like a little girl. I met her playing in the rain at the shrine and I promise her that I play with her after school."

The trio give me a look which I tell them that she doesn't have a place to stay at during the rain so I have her to stay with me and my maid which shock the trio.

Ai(shock): "You have a maid, but I thought you came from the boonie."

John: "More like she's returning the favor after saving her life."

That was enough to cover her operation as an angel and I don't want to ruin this operation to find this evil sources in this world. We have finally reach the lunchbreak and I get out the food that Kaga made which has meat in it...... Yup, I only care about it meat. I eat with the trio and notice Tohka enter the room with a box of cookies in her hand which she offer it to Shido, but of course Origami show up with more box of cookies and offer it to Shido. Me and the trio stare at the girls and Shido.

John: "It's this was called a love rival or something?"

Ai: "Something like that, but I wonder Shido is cheating on Hiroto."

Hiroto Tonomachi is a friend of Shido which he has a girlfriend behind a screen which is strange. The couple girls stare at Shido for confirmation of the cookies which he both of them; I can't tell that he's insecure or pathetic of choosing a girl. If I was in his shoes that I choose Origami's cookie that has the a light/dark pattern to it. We continue having lunch until I got a called from Kaga that something happen to Yoshinon.

Kaga(mind): "Master. I detect something wrong with Lady Yoshinon. She's going to cause a Spacequake."

That was enough to stand up and about to head out which I order Kaga to contact the school that I'm taking a early off.

John: "Sorry, but can you make a excuse for the school?"

Kaga(mind): "Yes Master."

The trio was confuse so I told them that something has come up which is in emergency. I was outside and contact Kaga the location.

John: "Kaga; can you located Yoshinon?"

She tell me she's at the direction of the shrine, but looks like the AST forces are moving in against her so I better hurry up. I have to run on foot otherwise people suspect someone riding a horse in the middle of the city. I continue running until I notice the alarm is ringing out which means that Spacequake is going to happen which it did. I'm start to get worried about Yoshinon so I continue rushing toward where the Spacequake happens.

???, Tengu City

I head to the crater to find Yoshinon in the middle of it so I went down there to check on Yoshinon.

Yoshinon(shock): "John? What are you doing here?"

John: "I be asking you; what happen?"

She point at the AST girls that is hovering above them with their weapons aiming at her which cause me to go defense and pull my revolver out.

AST girl: "Attention civilian you're near a dangerous suspect; please leave now."

John: "If you want to hurt her then you have to go through me first."

This was a shock of the AST girls, but decide to deal with me first while I ask Yoshinon to retreat to a safe spot.

John: "Go now; those girls are after you."

She nod and retreat which cause the AST girls to chase after her, but I deal with them righty quickly with my Dead Eye skill which cause the movement to slow down and deal with my targets with swift rapid fire. This cause the girls to dodge the bullets which almost hit them and aim their weapons against me which is perfect for Yoshinon to escape.

AST Girl(angry): "Are you threaten us?"

John: "If that wasn't the clue of threat then you girls need more training then before."

They aim their weapon at me and open fire which I dodge them to cover. Only thing right now is buy time for Yoshinon to escape from the AST forces. The fight continues onward until I think the this is long enough for Yoshinon to escape so I decide to make my retreat; however one of the girls aim her weapon at me and fire at me which cause me to dodge, but I fell to the lower area of the crater which one of the metal bar pierce right through my thigh.

John(pain): "AAAAAH!"

My sense hasn't adjust to my new younger body so this pain got the better of me.

John(pain): "DAMN IT! This is the.... first time... this happen.... better retreat..."

I retreat to find Yoshinon before the AST finds her.

To be Continue...

Chapter 9: Past and the Present

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