chapter four

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Leighs POV

We pulled away from each other, catching our breath. I couldn’t believe today had happened, everything was perfect, she was perfect. I didn’t want the date to end, we were just getting to know each other and I wanted to know everything. Even though we’d already talked for hours it wasn’t enough. Should I invite her in? Before I even processed my thoughts I spoke, ‘Want to come in? Watch a movie or something?’ She simply smiled and nodded.

I forgot Jesy would be home, she better not try and embarrass me! ‘Jess this is Perrie, Perrie, Jesy’ they both greeted each other politely and Jesy made her way to the kitchen. ‘Do you want a drink?’ I asked smiling. ‘Yeah please’ she replied beaming back, I loved how bubbly she was. She’s definitely one of those people that makes everyone happy just by being there. ‘Ok, there’s a stack of DVD’s there, pick whatever one you want’.

I joined Jesy in the kitchen, she had a massive grin on her face. ‘Wow inviting her back on the first date, smooth!’ Jesy said cheekily. ‘Sorry I should have asked’ I replied. ‘No it’s fine’ Jesy said still grinning wildly, ‘Guessing it went well then?’ I poured some coke into two glasses and replied ‘Jesy she’s amazing! She’s so sweet and.. she’s a good kisser’ I winked at Jesy’s shocked expression and joined Perrie again in the other room.

Perrie’s POV

‘You have way too many DVD’s’ I said as Leigh-Anne came back in the room with the drinks, ‘I can’t choose!’ I exclaimed. She laughed and walked over to me, scanning the videos, ‘How about this one?’ I looked at the cover, it was The Grudge, I hated scary movies but I didn’t want to seem like a wimp, who wants to date a wimp? I nodded and she put the DVD in. I grabbed the blanket beside me, not only because it was cold but I could use it to cover my eyes at the scary bits.

Leigh-Anne sat down beside me, I found myself staring at her lips again. What was happening?  I’d liked people before but I’d never find myself staring at them. She was different though, I couldn’t get enough of her. Stop it! I thought, she’s going to catch you staring at her. A few minutes in and I could tell a scary bit was coming, I didn’t want to look so I turned my attention back to Leigh-Anne again, ok I know it’s not like I needed a reason to look at her. But this time, she caught me, I blushed as she smiled. She moved closer and I pressed my lips against hers again, wow.

This kiss was different, just as good but more passionate. I felt her hand slowly move to the back of my neck. The kiss deepened, for a few moments I forget about everything else. I got butterflies in my stomach. ‘Hey Leigh I’m..opps sorry!’ I jumped back, the sudden appearance of her flatmate scaring me. Then I realised she had just caught us kissing and my cheeks burned, thank god it was dark. We paused for a moment and Leigh-Anne giggled. ‘Well anyway I was just going to say I’m going to bed, night, night Perrie’ she said looking at me I smiled, ‘Goodnight’. ‘Now you two can get back to whatever you were doing’ she said laughing as she walked away.

‘Sorry’ Leigh-Anne said laughing I laughed along with her. She moved closer and pecked my lips, then pulled me down so my head was resting on her chest. Normally on a first date I wouldn’t even kiss someone, but it seems like today I did everything differently. I asked someone I barely knew out on a date! It sounds crazy but everything just felt right with her. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her waist.

And hour and a half later and the movie was over. I’d survived watching a scary movie, although having her arms around me really helped. I think she could tell I was scared because at all the horrible bits she would hold me tighter. I looked at my watch, shit it was half 12, not only did I have to walk home, but I had just watched a scary movie! It wasn’t that far to walk, if I hurried I’d get home in 5 minutes. Leigh-Anne’s voice interrupted my thoughts ‘I didn’t realise it was so late, you can stay here if you like? You know just so you’re not on your own at this time?’ she looked at me and I smiled. ‘Are you sure?’ I asked. ‘Yeah it’s cool Jesy won’t mind, you can stay on the sofa’ she replied ‘Or share my bed’ she added, her tone less confident.

We went to bed a while later, Leigh-Anne let me wear her pyjamas, I went into the bathroom to change, she was a little bigger than me so they were kind of baggy. When I came back into her room she was already in the bed, I moved in beside her. ‘Just so you know, I don’t usually kiss on the first date, never mind getting in bed with someone’ I said and she laughed. ‘I must be lucky then’ she said still laughing. I smiled and nodded. I must have fell asleep straight away because I don’t remember anything else after that.

Leigh-Anne’s POV

I woke up with Perrie’s arm wrapped tightly around me and smiled. It hadn’t been a dream then! I couldn’t believe the previous day had actually happened. It was perfect, she was perfect. I turned round and looked at the sleeping beauty beside me, that’s exactly what she was, she looked so peaceful so I tried not to wake her. I heard a buzzing of a phone, I got out of bed and looked at Perrie’s phone which was going off. I looked at the screen, 6 missed calls and 5 messages, all from the same person, ‘Jade’. Who was Jade? I bet Perrie was seeing her too! I knew she couldn’t have been single. I knew it was too good to be true. How could I have been so stupid? Of course she was seeing other girls!

My mood completely changed. ‘Morning’ Perrie said behind me, I turned around to see her smiling at me. I wasn’t going to fall for it this time. Not when some girl was calling and texting her all morning.’ I’m going to go make breakfast’ I said coldly. I felt bad as I walked out of the room what if I was wrong? No I thought again, I had to be right, what other explanation is there?

A few minutes later Perrie came out of the room, she was dressed and had some make up on, wow she looked gorgeous. No I thought, don’t look at her. I pointed to the breakfast I’d made. ‘Have I done something?’ Perrie said looking down to the ground. She looked sad, then again maybe she was just worried I’d found her out. ‘No’ I replied I decided I didn’t want to have an argument with her. We’d be gone to college soon so I wouldn’t have to see her again. I looked at her as she put the spoon in her bowl. The bubbly personality from yesterday nowhere to be seen. I felt a pang of guilt but she’d brought it on herself, right?

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