Chapter 2 . A mistake

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(Tw: Gore, abuse, manipulation, belos, cussing)

Nobodies POV:

Today was an absolute failure. How could Belos have messed up like this? I mean, it's not that he didn't mean to hurt it, but not to this extent!

The boy, Hunter, who only just turned 14, looked up at him in fear, clutching his cheek while blood flowed from in between his fingertips. Belos was sure that this would be the end. The clone that looked the most like its original finally betrayed him, but no.

Hunter didn't do anything. He just sat there completely still. He stared at Belos for a few more seconds before bowing his head and simply just saying, "My apologies, I should've eaited until permitted to speak." His entire face lit up in pain as he tried to talk, but he didn't care. He messed up, and this was his price to pay. Belos just stared down at him before waving his hand, meaning that Hunter was allowed to leave.

Hunter nodded and stood up, taking his hand off his cheek for a second, causing blood to flow down his neck and staining the collar of his uniform. Hunter cringed, and the stain would just be another reminder of his incompetence. He put on his golden guard mask, and it did make Hunter feel a little better after what just happened, he wasnt about to let the others see. He quickly walked down each and every hallway in the castle, usually he would be admiring the pristine white brick walls and the emperors coven symbol plastered on banners that lined every wall, but right now, all he can do it stare at the dark green carpeting. He cursed himself out silently for not being worthy enough for his title. The Golden Guard, unable to help his uncle and can't fend for himself... Who would want such a niece?


After navigating through all the hallways and making it back to his room without being noticed, well, a couple of scouts noticed the fact that blood was rapidly dripping from his cheek. Only one scout was brave enough to ask him about it instead of mindlessly gossiping about it with their peers. Don't they have better things to do? That scout, of course, being Steve. Hunter was feeling particularly moody, who could blame him, and against his better judgment, just told Steve to "Fuck off." Steve didnt seem to take it to heart luckily and just headed back to his station. That interaction scared Hunter more. They could see his pain! Everyone knows that he failed! He started running to his room. At this point, he didn't care if he accidentally dripped blood onto the carpet. He wanted to get out of that place and hide away in his room. Forever.

Before he knew it, he was standing in front of the door to his room. He quickly turned the handle and fell into his room, his golden guard mask falling off his face and rolling onto the ground infront of him. Locking ths door and opening the small makeshift medkit next to his bed and pulling out his needle, he never really thought he would ever need to use it, but alas. Here he was.

Hunter stared at his reflection in the mirror, absolutely horrified and disgusted when he saw that the cut was so deep that you could see the inside of his mouth. He choked back quiet sobs as he shakily attempted to thread the needle, dropping the needle a few times. I guess he couldn't take it, and just.. Broke down. He cried to himself. Why hadn't he just gone to the healing wing? Did Hunter really care that much about his reputation. It was pathetic.

After various attempts, Hunter finally managed to thread the needle. Did he want some sort of applause? Is this really the title that he was working too hard to defend? He let his mind distract him from the excruciating pain he felt while stitching himself up.


Sorry not sorry

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