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Tara had, sadly, moved off of Amber, and the three, after Amber and Mindy's high was over, decided to go to the bar, as Mindy and Amber wanted to 1v1 each other in pool, and Tara would be willing to hike up Mount Everest for the two.

Amber and Mindy began to play, and Tara watched. "Do you guys want drinks?" The short girl asked, and they both nodded, while Amber flashed her flask at us. "Get us all cokes." She told her. Amber always would put rum or whiskey in their cokes, just for some extra fun.

Tara nodded and made her way over to the bar, where she was greeted by a pretty blonde with a sleeve of tattoos. She was mixing drinks, and as soon as her eyes set on Tara, she put the cups down. "Hey there, what can I get ya?" Her thick Texas accent was quite loud compared to the loud music.

"Uh, just three cokes please." Tara asked, and the blonde smiled at her, opening a mini fridge out of sight, beneath the bar.

The blonde sighed. "The mini fridge is empty. I could go grab some from the back if you don't mind waiting."

Tara nodded, emitting a bright smile. "Yes please, thanks."

The blonde disappeared into a room behind the bar, and Tara sat on a stool against the bar, going on her phone. She began to flick through photos on her phone, but she nearly threw her phone as a stranger startled her.

"Hey, what's a sweet thing like you doing here?" The stranger asked, while Tara turned and got off the stool.

"Uh, I'm just with my friends." She told him.

The stranger nodded. "Do you want a proper drink? I'd be more than happy to get you one, sweetheart."

Tara's eyes widened a little bit, but she was still smiling. "Oh no, uh, that's okay. I don't want you to spend your money on me."

The stranger walked up to her. "Or, you could come to my place. Have a few drinks, get to know each other." He told her, grabbing her by the wrist. "Let's go."

Tara immediately began panicking as he started pulling her out the door. "Wait!" She began as she tried to get her wrist out of his grip, but his fingers must've been made out of iron because they wouldn't budge. Fear gave her goosebumps and she continued trying to pull out of her grip.

Suddenly, the guy got pushed and let go of her wrist, and Tara looked to see Amber. "Don't you fucking touch her!" She yelled at him, throwing a punch that connected to his jaw.

He caught himself on a chair, red marks on his jaw from Amber's rings. "Fucking bitch." He replied, before his eyes drifted to Tara again. "Come on, baby, lets go."

Amber took a quick step towards him and punched him in the nose, then kicked him in the balls. As his nose began bleeding, he fell to the ground, holding his crotch. "You bastard!" He screamed, but Tara couldn't hear him. She was still shaken up.

Mindy appeared beside Amber. "Nice shot, but we should probably leave now."

Amber nodded. "Tara, let's go." She softly said, taking Tara's hand gently in hers. The three walked out to the car park, and Amber dug into her pocket with her free hand and tossed her car keys to Mindy.

The curly haired girl caught it easily, and opened the door, while Amber decided to sit in the back with Tara. Mindy started up the car and Amber didn't even strap in, she just kept holding Tara's hand, who was recovering.

"Holy shit." Tara finally said, as she looked down to see her wrist turning a yellow-ish colour.

Amber peeked over Tara's shoulder to see the bruising. "That asshole." Mindy spoke from the front seat.

"Are you okay?" Amber asked, but Tara didn't even look at her as she responded.

"My arm just hurts." She told her, and Amber sighed. Tara turned around to face Amber. "Thank you, for helping me."

Amber smiled. "That guy was a dick; you shouldn't thank me for taking care of an asshole like him."

Tara smiled, until her eyes dropped down to Amber's knuckles, which were bruised and a bit bloody. "Shit, Amber." She whispered, grabbing Amber's hand to inspect the damage.

"I'm fine." Amber sighed, although she winced when Tara gently touched them. "But I am sorry you had to deal with that douchebag."

"I'm sorry you had to punch that douchebag." Tara replied as Mindy pulled to a stop in the driveway.

Amber leaned towards Tara, "I'm not," she whispered, winking at Tara before she stepped out of the car.

Tamber - Warming Up To HerWhere stories live. Discover now