Chapter 2: Talking...

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N's narration- Now inside Uzi's house, I noted how bland it looked until I came to a room with a paper taped on the door that read: Uzi's room, DO NOT ENTER. In the corner of the paper it also read: I'm looking at you, dad. SO DON'T ENTER! I thought to myself, that sense I was a friend of Uzi's I could come on in even though I just read 'DO NOT ENTER ' on her door. As I jostled the door handle, the door popped open, revealing a room lit with purple lights, on her desk I found many parts and a make shift blueprint of her next Sick As Heck Railgun, the 'Return Murder' for short I read. As I was making my way to her bed and looked up to see her kookoo, insane, ramblings. I did not know she was such a good drawer, and can draw 'cool S's' that well, huh, I could never really draw a 'cool S', all of mine looked like traumatized snakes. Returning back to the small task at hand I gently set Uzi down on her bed, pulled her blankets over her, and started to walk away when I felt a cool presence on my arm form, which held me back from moving any farther. As I turned around I saw a scared Uzi looking up at me, "p-please N dont.. leave me" she said, starting to form pixilated tears on her visor. I looked at her and sympathy and sat down at the foot of her bed.

Uzi's narration- I didn't know what was wrong with me but the one thing I did know was, I did not want to be left alone with this monstrosity inside of me. N, now sitting on my bed let out a soothing smile, and said "Uzi what's wrong, you know that I can help you", feeling vulnerable I quickly retorted to a "nevermind, I'm fine" while trying to hide my face with the covers.

N's narration- I was not a fool when it came to my friends and I knew Uzi was, sadly not 'fine'. "Uzi please tell me what's wrong so, that I can help you" I said in a concerned manner. "Everything's just fine so, bite me and leave me alone" she replied trying to sound fierce, but it just ended up coming out as more of sob. "Uzi you know I can't leave you like this, your my friend." I said with a soft smile, " so tell me just what's wrong and 🎶then we will stick together 🎶" I said in that sing-song voice I used to calm her down before. She let out a small chuckle that was suddenly cut off with the muffled words "bite me!". There she go's again building up walls AGAIN, but I had to persist, for I knew she was not 'fine' despite her best efforts to be 'fine'. So I inched forward, pulling down the sheets in her face and looked her in the eyes.

Uzi's narration- I knew I could not hold much longer, my heart was longing for companionship,  but my mind knew better to not give in, to not show vulnerability, or someone is going to take that and throw it right in the trash just to laugh at the 'poor motherless disappointment'. I then reasoned with myself and thought but N is my friend he wouldn't do that to me, my mind argued back, drones are deceiving if my father could do it so can he, regardless my heart ignored all reason, all superstition not to, and made me lunge forward, grasping N in a tight hug, as pixilated tears ran down my visor, begging like a trickle then leading into a waterfall. I was letting it all out, unscrewing the caps on my bottled up feelings.

N's narration- At first I was a little surprised at Uzi for hugging me, it felt a little extreme for her but it felt good for me. I started to embrace the hug , returning hers with mine. Reaching and extending my arms around her back, my tail surrounding us in a protective way. Still sobbing she, tugged at my coat a little, seeing this I comforted her by brushing through her beautiful purple hair with my hands. Trying to sooth her sob's until it was a soft whimper. She slowly loosened her grasp on my coat, her hands falling to her sides. As I pulled away to look at her, I saw that her visor was still glazed with a sad expression. "Are you ready to tell me what's wrong now?" I said in a calm but sympathetic tone. She nodded her head. 

Uzi's narration - Despite my minds best efforts, I was glad that N did not give up on me and chose to comfort me. I was now ready to talk, but I just did not know where to begin so, I started at the newest thing that was on my mind, school. I started to talk but it was in a soft voice, a broken voice, N already picked up on my tone, as he comforted me with his kind smile, "Over the p-past few days school has been rough for me" I said in a whimper, "everyones just been so overally aggressive, the girls have been doing things to me along with some of the boys", "what things" I heard N say in concern. "They have been teasing me, tripping me in the hallways, pulling my hair, copying then ripping up my homework, there's more but I couldn't possible burden you with this stuff anymore." After I got that off my heart, N looked at me and said "it was fine and you shouldn't worry about me, I'm not the one who needs the help currently, you do." I smiled at him, thanking him with my expressions. So I continued on about how melancholy my life is while he comforted me with his soft smile and his occasional feedback. When I was done he asked "who were the drones you were talking about in the beginning, the ones who teased you?", "Oh them" I replied "they were just some random drones in the halls" , he then pressured "who are they?" , "why do you want to know" I said confronting his question with a question.

N's narration- When Uzi said that I quickly came up with a lie, "oh, I just want to know the names of the people at your school, right now you and Thad are the only people I know!" She then responded " oh I'm sorry I shouldn't have responded like that, I should have known no matter what, you have good intentions! " she said, but then quickly added " just don't make friends with them ok" in a more serious tone. "Oh I would never do that to you, Uzi, after all you are my best friend" I said with a chuckle. I have much better ideas in-store for them soon hehe, I thought. "Ok" she signed taking a big breath in, "their names were Lizzy, Chad, Riley, and sometimes Doll but she disappeared.", I made a mental note of what she said.  "Hey N... thank you" Uzi added. "No problem Uzi, glad I can help!" I said cheerfully while getting up, off her bed. As I walked out of her room, I glanced behind me and saw her slowley dozing off, falling back asleep. That made me happy somehow, thinking of that I slowly closed the door and let her sleep. As I made my way out I saw Mr. Uzi slumped over on his couch, he must have stayed awake, waiting for Uzi to come back from her field trip, I guess. Man, that was sweet, at least her father is now finally starting to actually care about her. I then walked out of Mr. Uzi's house and there was V sitting there, leaned up against the wall, blowing bubbles, when she saw me she exclaimed "what took you so long N!!" , "Oh sorry V I forgot you were sitting here, ehehe" I replied a bit embarrassed. V got up in a pouting way and started to march back where we came from. As we returned to the doors leading out of the colony, the worker drone that was there opened up the doors and let us out while shouting "bye friends of Mr. Doorman" as he once again thought how murder drones could be friends with workers. Then I and V took off into the night sky heading back into our pod.

       More is coming soon!!! :DD

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