Chapter 7: 3, 2, 1, BEGIN!!

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N's narration- Suddenly everyone but me raced forward trying to get to the ball first. It was a completely disorganized mess; people were playing 'footsies' to try to get the ball, others were on the ground, some were waiting it out, oh wait, raincheck, it was just me, haha. I sighed, just then a familiar face burst out of the crowd, wearing no jersey, and was heading towards my team's goal with the soccer ball down by his feet. "Hahaha losers, eat my dust!" He shouted, I recognized the voice and realized it was Chad, the guy who I would 'execute' one of my plans on. "But, there is no dust in the gym, Chad" one drone wearing pigtails responded, "Shut up Mary, no one asked you" Chad said sneering at her. Aha this was my chance to get him! Just before I could do just so a flash of purple flew by my eyes and stole the ball right out of under his feet! "Hey! who was that?!" Chad exclaimed chasing after the drone who was currently dribbling the soccer ball towards his goal. The drone looked back and smirked, suddenly I knew who it was! Those gorgeous purple eyes, the sea of purple hair, and that extreme shortness that she 'was plagued with everyday' (her words not mine), it was Uzii!  Aww she looks so cute when she is proudly winning. Wait!?! What did I just think, Uzi is my best friend, she can't be 'cute', she can be extremely pretty, wait that's not any better. Ok, if I just think about her not being cute then maybe, she won't be cute. Uzi is not cute. Uzi is not cute. Uzi is not cute. Uzi is not cute. Uzi is very cute. Oh wait crap, what am I thinking, I like V, I like her ummm nice attitude?! Arghh, I should just focus on the game and on the certain person that needs to be executed, wait, correction! The certain person that I need to 'execute' my plans on. Oh my biscuits, Uzi is almost at the goal! "Wooo go Uzi!!" I blurted out, I couldn't contain my excitement, she is just so amazing! Everyone looked back at who made the sound and I quickly hid behind an unsuspecting drone, my head still towering over his. This didn't exactly hide me but it would do, because I believe everyone fell for it and stared at the drone in front of me. "Hey! Get back here, uhhh, what's your name?" Chad said lowering his tone, embarrassingly. I just wanted to blurt out again, 'her name is Uzi!' For this horrible injustice that happened, but I held back, I don't want to draw attention, not today...

Out of nowhere, a hunk of a drone, wearing no jersey, came barreling towards my Uzi! Wait 'my' ummm, no time to think, I must protect her! I quickly bolted, running towards the oncoming drone, hoping to stop him before he slammed into Uzi.

Uzi's narration- Almost out of instinct, I looked to my left and saw a huge drone coming my way! Not wanting to lose this opportunity I quickly pummeled my foot into the ball, sending it flying towards the goal. Suddenly I was off the ground as well, the reason for my takeoff was that big drone, he tackled me like we were in the middle of a football game. The last moment I saw before crashing into the ground, was the soccer ball beautifully landing in the top right corner of the goal and the goalie failing to catch it, I could also faintly hear my dad yell "atta girl Uzi!" As I scored it.

 N's narration- I was disgusted by Uzi's fathers behaivor, Uzi was taken down just so she could score and her father was not the slightest concerned about her, only that she scored. None the less, I was concerned. I felt guilty that I didn't make it in time. As the hunky drone stood up and brushed himself off, the gym teacher was about to draw a red card when he froze and what I assumed, thought to himself. Then he suddenly spoke "Hey, uhh what's your name?" , "Westley" the big drone said in a deep voice, "ok Westley, how would you like to join the football team!" , "umm I don't know" Westley responded, "hey! How bout' you'd join the football team and I won't write you up for 'violent behaivor', ok?" The gym teacher said threatening, "uhh ok then, I guess I will join then." 

I just couldn't believe this behavior! Everyone is just ignoring poor Uzi who got injured, they are just carrying on with their lives like she doesn't exist. Hmmf Uzi does exist to me and if they don't see her as the wonderful drone she is then that's their loss! Walking over to Uzi, I saw that she was trying to get back up and was having a little trouble at it too. I extended my hand and grabbed hers, trying to be as gentle as possible but still effectively helping.

Uzi's narration - I felt my hand being tugged and my body being pulled off the ground, now on my two feet and horribly wobbly, I fell backward, which was expected because I just recovered from being temporarily unconscious. Knowing the familiar pain that I was going to experience I shut my eyes braced myself for impact, but that dreaded impact never came. I opened my eyes and saw N, "whoops! Haha almost dropped you there for a moment Uz!" , my face turned a violent purple as I realized where N's hand rested. He looked at me for a moment, puzzled at my expression, then, suddenly his face lit up in a yellow flare, also realizing where his hand layed. "Ahhhh!" N shouted in surprise along with that he quickly jerked back his hand, sending me almost crashing into the ground, if it wasn't for N's hand once again touching the same uncomfortable area. (Authors Note- STOP IT! I know what your thinking, it's NOT her booty, I promise, it's just her waist. Ok? Do you understand? Now no dirty comments, it's not very gentledoge/gentledogess like >:\ ) "N, you almost dropped me, again" I said with a scowl, but I couldn't help but curve the sides of my lips at N's flustered mistake. "Ehehe sorry Uzi" N said nervously, I punched him playfully on the side of his arm with a grin on my face. "Now whose ready to get back to the game!" I said with exitement, when I heard no one's responce, I was about to repeat myself when Chad rudely interrupted and said " Now whose ready to get back to the game! " excitedly but with a touch of anger, after he said that everyone immediately responded, shouting "Yes!!" , "Yasss!" , "Whoooo, heck yaa!" , "Ready to lose jerseys!" , "hah, wouldn't count on it!" , bruh why didn't anyone respond to me, I said the same exact thing, but first!? I mean shouldn't that count for something? N nudged me and smiled in a understanding type of grin. Somehow, that tiny little grin made me feel better. We then went back to our side of the battlefield and patiently waited to begin the siege. "Hey, was that you who shouted my name when I was making my way down the field?" I said, looking at N, " ummm haha no it wasnt, you must be talking about uhh Bob! Yeah, I heard he has a little crush on you" N responded teasingly, "hmmm are you sure, I could have sworn I saw your mouth open shouting my name", I raised my eyebrow, "argh fine you caught me!" N said shyly, a small blush escaped my face, I instantly shook it off, not wanting to draw N's attention. " haha knew it", I muttered under my breath.

Sorry!!!! I am truly sorry for the long wait, the high likelihood of an overall 'meh', and the short chapter :(( 

Thank you for reading!! (If there is any grammar, spelling, or 'that just doesn't make sense ' mistakes please tell me!)

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