The Rise

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I feel the wind brush past me and it all flashes back ,where it all began , the faint memory of a child with dark curly running around in his house ,its thanksgiving everyone is home , streets lit up ,happy voices happy times but good times always come to an end . Now ,my,Richard Frost's story truly begins , around in 5th grade i was a lonely kid ,i lived out in a suburban area ,not many children were there just another kid who used to live beside me but shifted , and at school no one talked to me , i truly had no friends except my ipad ,i loved playing games on it from minecraft , all the silly games i could but i felt empty ,alone always i was quite thin and short and used to get often picked on but there was this childish flame which would never die out

 Now ,my,Richard Frost's story truly begins , around in 5th grade i was a lonely kid ,i lived out in a suburban area ,not many children were there just another kid who used to live beside me but shifted , and at school no one talked to me , i trul...

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 i was the goalie for the soccer team but got kicked out due to my height and my so called friends in the team ,they never talked to me ever again . I felt lost and then the annual sports allotment of Ruby High my school begins, Ruby High had this weird thing in which the coaches would choose the best athletes for their respective sports and team , and i was left out ,and was sent to gymnastics the bottom of the barrel,as no one liked that sport and all the rejects went there

 I felt lost and then the annual sports allotment of Ruby High my school begins, Ruby High had this weird thing in which the coaches would choose the best athletes for their respective sports and team , and i was left out ,and was sent to gymnasti...

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The hall was a lousy place our teacher Madam Nancy was strict as hell,"NOW STRETCH HARDER YOU LAZY COUCH SITTING MAGGOTS", little did i know those words i would learn to love, a month passed i learnt more attended extra school for gymnastics ,then i saw a curly haired girl,with a solemn face yet cute . Her name ,Alice Scott ,I didn't take much note on her but she laughed when i wasn't able to do a headstand ,and her laugh was beautiful , a small smile emerged on that face ,some days later I talked to her and introduced myself ,November 18 ,6th grade i went to my competition and me and my team won second place ,and i knew this was a start of something beautiful. The once lonely Richard Frost now had a team to celebrate with recognition and something to be proud of.The next day while i was helping some new students do some exercises , a innocent faced boy approached me , dark spiked hair , a confident smile ,he asked me "Did u win that competition yesterday" , I said yes proudly and showed my sliver medal

The next day while i was helping some new students do some exercises , a innocent faced boy approached me , dark spiked hair , a confident smile ,he asked me "Did u win that competition yesterday" , I said yes proudly and showed my sliver medal

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