WAP (by Cardi B)

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My name is Candace and I'm a dancer at the Pink Palace. We all know why the men come to this club, and I won't lie, I love the money.

My parents are struggling to pay their bills, and I have a little brother who needs food and clothes. It's hard to get a job when you live in a small town like this, but I found a way to make ends meet.

It's Friday night and the club is packed. I'm up on stage, working my moves to the beat of the music.

The DJ plays a new song and the crowd goes wild. I hear the lyrics, "There's some whores in this house," and I can't help but feel a little angry.

I am not a whore. I am a dancer. I work hard to make a living and provide for my family. But the men don't care.

All they see is a young woman dancing in lingerie, and they assume the worst.

I try to block out the lyrics and focus on my performance.

I twirl around the pole, feeling the burn in my muscles. The music gets more explicit, and I can sense the men getting rowdier.

They shout obscene things and throw money at me, as if I'm some kind of animal they're trying to tame.

But then I see him. A man sitting in the front row, with his arms crossed and a serious expression on his face.

He's not like the others. He doesn't throw money or yell insults. He just watches me, with a look in his eyes that I can't quite decipher.

I make my way over to him, and he reaches out his hand. I take it, and he pulls me down to him.

He whispers in my ear, "I know you're not a whore. I see you for who you really are."

I am taken aback by his words. No one has ever spoken to me like that before.

I feel like he understands me, the real me behind the makeup and the skimpy outfit.

The song ends, and I go backstage to change. I can't stop thinking about the man in the front row.

As I walk back out onto the stage, I catch his eye. He nods at me, and I feel something inside me shift.

Maybe not all men are the same. Maybe there's someone out there who will see me as more than just a whore in this house.

For now, I'll keep dancing, keep grinding😏, and keep providing for my family. But maybe one day, I'll find someone who sees me for who I really am.

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