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I am strong, I am capable, I am enough,
This is my favorite affirmation, my daily stuff,
It helps me face the world with confidence and ease,
And fills my heart with the courage to pursue my dreams.

With these words, I am reminded of my worth,
And that my potential extends far beyond this earth,
That I have the power to create the life I desire,
And that my dreams and aspirations can always inspire.

I am strong, and I can overcome any obstacle,
For I have the strength and resilience to be unstoppable,
And with each challenge, I become even more strong,
For I know that with each step, I am where I belong.

I am capable, and I can achieve anything I desire,
For I have the skills and talents to set my life on fire,
And with each success, I am reminded of my potential,
And that my dreams and goals can always be monumental.

I am enough, and I am worthy of love and respect,
For I am a unique and beautiful human, no defect,
And with each day, I embrace my flaws and my strengths,
And know that I am perfect, with all my unique lengths.

This affirmation fills me with hope and light,
And helps me navigate life with all my might,
For I am strong, capable, and enough,
And with these words, I know I can always rise above.

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