Chapter Eighteen: Get Out of My Head

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(A/N Mentions of suicide in this chapter!!)

We make our way further and further into the Underworld. It might just be me, but something feels different.

A cold chill had settled on us. We seldom speak to one another, never give each other reassuring glances.

Whenever we talk to cheer ourselves up, we can't hold conversations for more than twenty-three seconds.

Yes, I've been counting.

It's a miserable scene. It's even greyer and gloomier than D.O.A Records. I would do anything to be there right now.

Something about the Underworld makes me lose all sense of joy. My usually optimistic mind is plunged into a river of never ending hopelessness. The current is too fast to even attempt swimming out.

We walk along the barren and empty lands swiftly.

The red mist occasionally fogs up all of our vision. When that happens, I sometimes get lost for a few seconds, maybe even a minute. This time, I don't want to count. But in those few seconds, I feel terrified. The Thoughts would even come back if I'm alone for long enough.

Lost forever.

Never found again.

Get out of my head, get out of my head, I chant in my mind, stumbling about like a blind monkey.

Get out of my head, get out of my head.

I knew it's only been a few moments, but it feels like hours.

Get out of my head, get out of my head.

The Thoughts aren't even there anymore, but the despair and coldness still swarm my soul like a flock of black, evil ravens.

Get out of my head, get out of my head.

Where are they? All I can see are red clouds.

Get out of my head, get out of my head.

My legs give way.

I can't take this anymore. This is too much for me. It always has been.



No one needs me anymore.

Maybe Percy and Annabeth have just left me.

Probably, after what I've done.

'Lily!' I hear, but it sounds muffled.

Percy crouches down in front of me.

I have my head in my hands, sobbing uncontrollably. The darkness grasps my heart, playing with it as if I'm a toy.

But I am a toy.

Just being passed along.

Never truly belonging.

And now I've finally been broken.

Percy reaches in for a hug, but the moment he touches me, I can see that he gasps ever so slightly and retreats.

Percy says something, Annabeth too, but I can't hear them. I feel empty. Hollow.

Annabeth holds the back of her hand to my forehead, before saying something to Percy.

I can't take this anymore.

I shut my eyes.

They were so loud. They were all I could hear. They still rung in my ears, taunting me.

{Percy Jackson Fanfic} Water Lily and the Ocean's BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now