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Father had forbidden it and I knew it well. However, I wasn't going back to my American school where no one liked me. Especially not since I made friends who were going to my dream school where, by the way, I had been accepted.
My luggage was ready and my books had been bought too, as well as everything else I was required to get with me, thanks to my dear friend Jenna who had them delivered to my door without father—or anyone else noticing— and the old inn keeper who had been paying me handsomely these last few months.
I was ready to fly away, quite literally since I would be mounting my broom. I opened the window and breathed in the cool air which made me so confident of my plan and so ready to begin my adventure that I couldn't help myself and smiled brightly. Just as I was about to lift my belongings and leave I was brought back to reality as someone gently knocked on my door.
Now, there are two kinds of people who knock on doors; those who go just knock to inform you of their arrival and upcoming entrance, and those who knock and wait until you tell them to come in. To my surprise, the person who was standing behind my door belonged to the second category.
"Marianne," a familiar voice said. "Are you awake? it's me, Fred."
"Give me a moment!"
"I think I left my scarf in there," he whispered.
I scanned the room and my eyes landed on the neatly folded scarf. "Yeah, it's here. Hold on."
I opened my door the slightest bit, to the point where my hand nearly fit the gap to deliver the scarf which I shoved through the crack of the door.
"Here you go," I said and immediately shut the door.
"Marianne," Fred called calmly. I hurried back to the door but didn't open it.
I simply said, "Yes, Fred?"
I expected him to ask for the leftover pizza but instead he asked, "is everything ok?"
"Yeah. Of course it is."
"Then why did you seem to be in a hurry?"
"I was half naked," I lied.
"Oh really," he chuckled. "You seemed ready for a night out to me."
"What?" Why couldn't he be just cute and naive?! Why did he need to be smart too?!! "No, I just threw this on to open the door."
"How interesting." He muttered. "So you threw on a pair of jeans, a leather jacket and had time to tie those boots in 5 seconds and only to open the door?"
"Ummm..." When did he had time to notice the boots?!

"I'm convinced you're hiding something Marianne, I'm coming in" "No, don't!"
Fred, of course didn't pay attention to my protest. He barged in and I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. Kick him out? Hide my books and luggage or maybe conceal my broom? I did nothing and just stood still while he took in my surroundings.
"What are you up to?" The Ginger asked.
"I-I'm just going out like you said," I replied. "You were right.. I was sneaking out."
"And what were you going to need those bags for?" He inquired.
"I was going to sleep over to a friend's house"
"And... is this friend in a book club?" He leaned over my book pile. "I see plenty of books too"
"Well... Actually—
Fred's eyes found mine the moment he figured it out. He seemed both shocked and a bit hurt. "You said you weren't coming"
"No, I said I was not allowed to," I explained.
Suddenly, father came in with Remus, Molly and Madeye Moody behind him, all of them startled. How the fuck did they know?!
"Marianne Black!" Father yelled. "I know what you're thinking, and this is not happening!" "Sorry dad but I'm going anyways. I don't need your blessing or your help"
"You're not going through that door," he announced and I realized that I indeed wasn't. I couldn't with all of them blocking the doorway.
In one hand, I lifted the books and luggage as I backed away. Father was right
"Alright dad," I said in resignation. "I promise that I'm not passing that door without your permission."
"That's what I wanted to hear."
Father, Molly, Remus and Moody had turned away to leave. However, Fred's eyes hadn't lost a single movement of mine. Not even when I teleported my belongings away with a jiggle of my wand, a trick I'd learned from uncle Trevor who would sneak me candy under the dinner table and in my pockets when I was a kid.
I noticed Fred drowning down a chuckle and then his eyes snapped to mine. He silently stepped away so that I could reach my broom from where it was behind him.
I stepped back until I was in the brisk of falling. Just then, I heard Molly's gasp and knew I had to go. I only had time to wink to my only true friend and say, "See you Ginger!"
Father then turned around and would have reached me if I hadn't jumped. Mid-fall, I mounted my broom and flew away, happier and more free than I had ever been.

I hadn't gone far when I heard dad shouting behind me, "Marianne!" As if that would stop me. "That girl will be the death of me," was the last thing I heard him say before I was far gone.

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