Chapter One- Exchanged

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A/N As I said in the description the idea for this came from a post on Tumblr, and I've been writing it for a while. This was originally going to have POVs from all four of the main character, but this is already almost 1000 words so you'll just have to deal with just having this. Don't be afraid to correct my grammar/spelling and happy reading!


Chapter One- Corri's POV

Hogwarts had changed over the years. Of course small little rules and regulations had been adapted to the modern world. Electronics were allowed as long as they were kept in the common rooms and dormitories and never brought to class. Bullying was more severely punished and students in abusive homes could stay at Hogwarts over the summer instead of having to face their abusers. Although there were all of those changes and more, the most significant one that made the largest impact on a handful of students, was the Exchange.

The Exchange happened every school year for three months. One day towards the beginning of the year there was a drawing. The names of each student, 14 and older, were each put into a box specific for their house. One named would be drawn from each box and whoever was chosen would have to switch to a different house for three months. Gryffindors went to Ravenclaw, Ravenclaws to Hufflepuff, Hufflepuffs to Slytherin, and Slytherins to Gryffindor. It wasn't a popular tradition among the students, but the majority of professors thought it would help the houses get along and understand each other better. They were sort of right.

Corri Beckham dreaded going to the drawing. They thought that it was stupid and that no matter what happened due to the exchange, they would still be judged automatically because they were a Slytherin. Most people thought the Slytherins were the bullies, but it was actually the other way around. Slytherins were often stereotyped as "evil" and "death eaters" because of Voldemort, but that was a long time ago and Corri just wanted everyone to move on.

They filed into the great hall with their peers, sitting down at their tables. Everyone was talking loudly, curious of who was going to be chosen, but also dreading that it could be them.

The Head Mistress, Professor McGonagall, stood up at the front of the room silencing everyone with just a movement of her hand. "Hello everyone, and welcome to the Exchange," She walked over to the boxes. "You all know how this works, so I will just start drawing names."

She walked over to the Gryffindor box first, and all of the Gryffindors started whispering excitedly with anticipation. McGonagall reached into the box and shuffled around the slips of paper, then proceeding to pull one out. "Amber Allen!" She called out, "She will being transferring to Ravenclaw."

Corri looked over and immediately spotted Amber. Her mouth was open wide with surprise and she seemed frozen. Amber was well known by everybody because she was the school troublemaker. She did anything and everything to piss people off with jokes and stupidity, yet somehow she still had friends. Corri did not like her very much, yet they had to admit they felt bad for the poor girl since she was only a fifth year.

Finally, Amber managed to unfreeze, strutting up to McGonagall and standing beside her. She was a huge contrast next to the Head Mistress with her dark skin and young face. McGonagall handed Amber her new Ravenclaw robes, then went to the next box.

She reached into the Ravenclaw box and pulled out a name. "Ian Castro!" He will be transferring to Hufflepuff."

Corri was pretty sure that Ian was just some snotty Ravenclaw Prefect. They looked over and saw him looking very unhappy. He was in his last year and probably just wanted to get it over with, but it looks like that wasn't going to happen. Ian walked up to the front and sulked as he was handed his new robes.

McGonagall headed to the Hufflepuff box next, pulling out another name. "Brenin Baines! He will be transferring to Slytherin."

Brenin was a complete sweet heart. He wouldn't hurt a fly and was only in year four. He was ridiculously muscular and large for someone with his personality. He looked terrified and was shaking as he accepted his robes.

Finally, the Head Mistress made it to the last box. Corri was itching to get out of the cramped hall so they could go outside and sit by their favourite tree.

McGonagall pulled a name out of the Slytherin box and said a name Corri wouldn't have thought they were going to hear. "Corri Beckham! She will be transferring to Gryffindor."

Corri was in a daze for a few seconds before they heard themselves say very viciously, "It's they. I'm not a girl!" They went up to the front as McGonagall apologised and everyone else in the hall whispered about them. They snatched their new robes right out of her hands and went to stand with the other chosen students, glaring at everyone.

"Alright, that concludes the drawing, everyone except for these four students are dismissed back to their dormitories," McGonagall said as students stood up, already talking loudly to each other.

Once all of the students were gone, she turned to the four chosen students. They were told that tonight was their last night in their dormitories for three months and they needed to start packing immediately. After being given information on where their new common rooms were going to be for tomorrow, they were finally able to leave and go back to their dorms for the night. Once they left the great hall, Corri ran as fast as they could, trying to calm down. But they knew that they wouldn't calm down. Not for a very long time.


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