mikes basement🤷🏾‍♀️

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max:soo lucas how's your gf
mike:LUCAS I THOUGHT*gives him a look*
lucas:i had to leave early.oh uh we broke up
max:what did you think
mike:uh nothing
el:yall are weird.
max:tell me about it
*el and max go on talking and lucas and mike are whispering to each other*
will:hay um y'all might be confused of whats up and why yall are here
max:not really its fun talkin to yall.i miss this
el:uh stop being sweet it's weird
max:i really tried
will:alright so i have a surprise for yall
lucas:*walks up to max*hey can i talk to you after this
*Dustin walks in*
el:your back
max:wsg nerd
lucas:man we missed you
dustin:i missed yall too.so who is going is tell me everything i missed
mike:me and will have to go do something so we'll be back?
max: what are y'all going to make out?
will:if you must know yes.
lucas:so mike and will are dating.they broke up then got back together and recently they have been fighting but i think it's good now idk ask them.me and max broke up right after you left*mouths i still like her and dustin shakes his head*max is being max but i dated wills new neighbor hannah but we broke up becau- uh nvm and el is dating some junior-
dustin:an eleventh grader
el:no hes a senior.
lucas: nobody's care but they are cute or what.uh will moved.mikes dads been weird ever since he came out to them.
will:im back.
max:wheres mike
will:give him a minute
lucas:uh thats kinda about it
dustin:oh wow.
*mike walks in and sit next to will*
lucas:did suzie ever visit
dustin:uh no
lucas:did y'all even talk
dustin:yea duh.
max:tell the truth
dustin:she asked one of her friends to help her break up with me.
will:its like me saying you can you tell mike i dont wanna be with him im scared to break up with him so can you please do it
mike:i hope this no happening
will:alright mike.
dustin:what have yall been doing
will:uh school and mike
will:no i meant-
lucas:thats my cue to leave
max:yeah im coming too
el:yeah im hanging out with jake today.
*HOURS LATER*they were just talking and watching tv.will has his head on mike legs sleeping
dustin:hows you and will.lucas told me to ask
mike:uh its ok
dustin:why have you beeen fighting lately
mike:well it's because will thought i wanted el back
dustin:well did you.
dustin:ik you had a deep crush and ik those dont just go away.so imma ask you again DO YOU STILL WNAT EL
mike:no.no i only want will hes really sweet and actually talks to me
dustin:she was scared
will:and she had PTSD
dustin:when did you wake up
will:when you asked mike if he wanted el
mike:well i actually want to date someone who will talk to mw
Dustin:but thats not fair on els part
*will sits up and walks out  as they are still talking*
mike:and the thing she could of been shy like you said but-will where are you going
dustin:whats happening rn
mike:idk will whats up
will:i didn't wanna bother yall
mike:nobody is bothered
dustin:yeah come down
will:yk im happy you back bc you're the nicest one in the party
mike:yeah thats true.BUT even if she was shy we were dating TALK TO ME!!
Dustin:i low key thought she wanted max
will:same i gaydar was going through the roof
Will:when I can tell if someone is gay.
dustin:well max liked el thats for sur-

sorry abt not posting i have been really busy but im back i think

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