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this was just a normal day everyone was at home it was around 9am so everyone was still asleep or just waking up
( L is wills dad)
*ring ring*
will-uh hello.
L-your mother said you will be living with me till you go back to school(their school is shut down bc of a fire and won't be open for a month)
will-but that a whole month
L-ik bud you can tell your little bf bye
will-i have to go
Will-mom what is dad talking about im living with him
joyce-baby im sorry but it was that or he calla DCFS and i dont see you ever again so a month won't hurt anyone
will-yeah but hes saying i can't see mike
will-im leaving.*opens door and runs*
joyce:WILL*runs to the door and watches will hop on his bike*
*30 minutes later*
*knock knock*
holly-*opens door*hello HI WILL
will-hi holls
holly-mike is upstairs hes still sleeping
mrs.wheeler-oh hello will come in
will-thank you*will goes up stairs and knocks on mikes door*
mike-whaaaat*mike says half asleep and in a froggy voice*
will-uh mike can i come in
will-uh im sorry to wake you but...
mike- uh will if your going to break up with me can you do it when i fully awake
will-im not breaking up with you but umm im moving in with my dad for a little while
mike-*sits up*now im fully awake.wait what
mike-i have so many questions
will-me too i just found out this morning
mike-does that mean we have to break up
will-what no.
mike-but isn't your dad crazy homophobic
will-yeah but-
mike-so we are breaking up
will-no i don't want us to break up
mike-its our only option if you move in with your dad
will-its not i can come over on the weekends and we can fall asleep on the phone unless you want to break up
mike-come here.*pats bed*
will-do you want to break up *sits down*
mike-shhh*sits on wills lap and starts kissing up his neck giving him hickeys and kissing him*
will-so no
mike-i don't want to break up now be quiet.


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