Chapter one: a hell maiden is born

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      Years upon before Humans start making houses there was a group of women called "hell maidens" were cursed with a certain mark in their left eye. People couldn't see it because  they were able to hide it with a certain spell. They were able to summon demons from the depths below (meaning hell) to do there bidding, then the demons were able to unlocked there powers. Some powers were used for good, some were use for bad.
     Then one day a woman used her powers in public, people thought of this has witchcraft and they were terrified by this, they burned the woman at stake. Her last words were " A child well be born with the dark ones mark". She said " and she shall be the new hell maiden". She said after that before she was burned completely. The the towns people were cautious of the woman's warning.  Once a child was born they had to check there eyes for the mark but fortunately no boy or girl had the mark.

For years since all hell maidens were wiped out there was a little girl that was born.
" omg she is beautiful isn't she darling.  Said Mrs. Myers with the baby in her hands. " I think I'll name her Agatha " she said in delight.  The came in the nurse looking worried. " Umm Mr and Mrs. Myers can I have a word with you". She said. "Of course but is it bad"? Said Mrs. Myers looking worried.
" It's not bad it's just the fact that your daughter has a unique pupil in her eye" said the nurse as she points out the pupil. Mrs. Myers throws the baby in her husband's arms. " no it can't be" she said in horror.  "Please tell me that this is someone else's baby cause I don't want this Satan spawn near me"! She said in disappointment and disgust.  "  MARTHA"!said her husband in shock" how can you say the to our own child"! Martha didn't say a word until she said " Let's leave her heere,I don't a hell maiden as my daughter". She said as she was getting dressed to leave . Her husband was heartbroken by this but had to do what his wife said and put the baby down. The baby was sent to an all girls orphanage until she gets adopted.
     Two years Passed and Agatha was never adopted. The girls in the orphanage were mean to her, they would always run away from her cause of her eye. " Oh my God run the hell maiden is coming"! Said one girl. " PLEASE DON'T SEND ME TO HELL, IM GOOD I SWEAR". said another. Agatha was upset by this, but even the warden was cold to her. The warden Ms. Mable would make her eat last so she doesn't scare off the other girls in the mess hall. "Ms. Mable will I ever get adopted"? said Young Aggie. Ms.Mable started to laugh. " oh girl with that mark in you eye, people will fear you Agatha,they don't want a hellbound child,the want a child that is pure and not devilish. (Authors note: tbh I was crying  when I wrote this, now I feel bad for Aggie🥺) Agatha started to tear up and ran into her room. " why is everyone afraid me"!! She cried. " It's just a pupil". She stop crying as she saw her little friend a mouse. She named it cheese because she gave it cheese from the start. Agatha and cheese would play with each other, she had a friend that would never fear her, until one day... " Cheese... Cheese where are you"? Agatha calls for her furry friend, she looked everywhere until She found Cheese in a fatal situation.  "OH MY GOD"!!! She shouted in horror. Ch-Cheese".. Agatha was hurt as she saw Cheese in one of those snap traps that kill a mouse easily.   Agatha got Cheese body out of the trap and buried him." You were my only friend and now I'm alone again" she cried until she felt sleepy. The next day Agatha was sad that her furry friend died. Years went by and Agatha still didn't get adopted. (Agatha is 14 now) Agatha was get kicked out soon cause well she was getting older and no one would adopt a teen. Before packing she grab some thing like went to the wardens office and stole some money and valuables of people who were mean to her in the past.She left without looking back and was going into a world with lots of regret. She found a metro apartment,  the landlord of the place was nice a let her stay as much as she wants as long as she wants as long as she signs in every week. She starts to settle in her new home, she went out a good groceries and some furniture for her comfort. Then start looking for jobs so she can earn money and go to school probably. This was a start of a life for her.

Authors note: This is my first time on this app so please dont judge me, I hope you like this story cause Ima make more soon so be aware people-
    Mila- sama🤗

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