Back to Hogwarts

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The next morning we all had to go back to Hogwarts. The Christmas-holidays was over, and everyone started packing early in the morning. 

I could smell the toast with egg and bacon, Molly had made for us, and I quickly waved my wand and all my stuff went into my suitcase. I locked it, and ran downstairs.

 I came into the kitchen and saw Sirius sitting with Remus at the table.

''Goodmorning, Black'', Remus said.

''Goodmorning! What a lovely day today, isn't it?''

Obviously, Sirius didn't agree on that. He sat all sad and looked down.

I sat down next to him, and tried to make eyecontact with him. He finally looked up.

''We'll come back soon. I promise.'', I said with a big smile.

He smiled at me, but I could still see the sadness in his eyes.

Food floated into the room, and was put on the table. Fred, George and Ginny came into the room (all a bit tired) and sat down.

''Have any of you seen Harry, Ron or Hermione?'', I said calmly.

''I think they are-'', Ginny got interupted as they all three walked into the room and sat down.

''Goodmorning'', I said. ''Mundungus will be here in a minute, so we better hurry.''

We all ate our food in silence, and later on we walked outside as we got a signal from Mundungus.

King's Cross was filled with stressed mugglers who had to go to work. We hurried down to platform 9 and 10 and ran through the wall, as we came into Platform 9 3/4.

''Is everyone ready?'', Mrs. Weasley yelled and looked backwards.

We got into the train and found an empty compartment where Harry, Ron, Hermione and I sat down. 

Ginny had gone to find Luna, and Fred and George had found a compartment for themselves and Lee Jordan.

The train took off from the station and we were on our way to Hogsmeade station.

Some hours had gone by and we left the station and took a waggon pulled by a thestral to Hogwarts. 

When we finally arrived, we split up. They went up to Gryffindor's common room, and I went down to Slytherin's common room.

I saw Draco sitting with Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle in the sofas as soon as I walked in. I passed them but he stopped me.

''Black!'', he almost yelled.

''What's your problem this time, Malloy?'', I said really annoyed. I was tired, and I knew he was up to something.

''One, don't call me that. Two, no need to be annoyed, Black. I just wanted to tell you that Professor Umbridge had been so nice to make some tea for us Slytherins. You don't want some?'', He asked.

''I really don't care how, uhm, sweet, you think she's been to us. I won't drink that awful pink tea.'', I answered.

''Your decision.'', my friend Eva walked to me with a cup of Umbridge's pink tea, ''But I think it tastes good'', she said.

''I - don't - care'', I quickly ran up to the girl's dormitry and fell asleep.

The next morning I went up to the owlery after breakfast, but Harry stopped me.

''What are you doing? That's not a letter for Sirius, is it?'', he asked me.

''It is. I know what you're going to say. 'You can't send a letter to Sirius, it's too dangerous', and I - I agree. What was I thinking?'', I said a bit disappointed.

''I really don't know.'', he walked outside and I followed him in the cold weather.

''How's it going with you and Cho?'', I asked.

''Fine, I think.'', he answered.

We walked down the hill and I saw Draco. 

''Oh no. Not that bloody fool again'', I said.

''I don't understand you. You can talk to Narcissa, but you can't stand out Draco?'', he said.

''SHUT IT!'', I said as Draco was near.

''Oh look, two annoying babies walking around in the cold weather. I can tell your mum to get a blanket for you - oh wait, you don't have a mum, do you? Poor you, a girl who has no idea who her mother is, and a boy who has no mum or dad. What a pity, don't you think?'', Draco said while Crabbe and Goyle was laughing at his side.

I took my wand and pointed it right at his face.

''One more word about our family, Malloy, and I'll make you so insane, that you'll have to end up at St. Mungo's.'', I said threatening. 

''W-was that a threat, Black?'', he said with fear for my wand in his eyes.

''Emma, low it, or you'll get troubles with his mother next time you-'', Harry stopped the sentence as I stepped on his foot and I lowed my wand.

''What did he just say?'', Draco said angrily. ''My mum? And you? No! That's impossible!'', he said.

''Aish! Do you really have to care? Just, stay away from me.'', I said while I took Harry's arm and dragged him away with me.

We walked quickly into the castle.

''I'm sorry Emma. I really don't know why I said that! I was thinking of something else.'', he said.

''It doesn't matter. Just, shut your mouth next time, and let me handle those kind of things on my own''

''Okay. Well, Hermione, Ron and I are going down to Hagrid, want to join us?'', He asked.

I nodded, and then we ran up to Gryffindor's common room.


I hoped you liked it! I know it's a bit boring, but I promise I will make it more exciting soon! :D

Thank you so much for taking your time to read it!

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