Dinner (2 of 2)

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"Since we've known each other for years does that put our relationship at a higher ranking? You know more perks?" Peter grinned laying next to me in his bed. He held one hand up to toss a ball into the air and catch it which left me flinching and or hiding my face into his side after he accidentally dropped the ball on my head once. His other hand was wrapped around me and I laid sideways holding a hand over the side of my face that was in the line of fire to the ball.

"We've literally only been dating for like nine hours," I peeked out from my position to see the ball flying right toward me again causing me to flinch out of the way and get hit in the shoulder. "Peter Jason Quill!" I scolded through laughter. "You're done," I sat up to retrieve the ball that'd rolled onto the ground. "You're done." I picked it up off the floor and tossed it across the room making it into his clothing hamper.

He let out a little cheer and a laugh showing that he was impressed. "That was hot babe," he put the arm he used to toss the ball under his head and reached the other out toward me motioning me in by doing little grabby fingers in the air.

I started toward the bed before catching a glimpse of his alarm clock stating it was 7pm. "What?! It's already seven?! We've literally been laying in your bed all day long," I gasped in realization. "I'm hungry," I whined out to Peter in hopes he'd take the hint and feed me. Yes I could feed myself but I have a boyfriend now, that's his job. KIDDING...

He looked to the clock and sighed. He was definitely a lazy boy, but part of him really did just want to cuddle and enjoy this new relationship. Especially since he'd longed for it for so long. He sat up and walked over to his dresser to grab his phone. He spent some time scrolling, what I assumed to be looking something up. Then turned back to me with an excited smile. "How bout this? You go put on a nice dress, and do whatever you need to get ready and meet me out in the main area of the ship when you're done?" He offered full of excitement and anticipation. He'd definitely came up with some sort of little plan and it made my heart race a little at the thought.

"A dress? How cute? Like fancy? Semi-fancy? Casual? Sun-dress? Tight? Loose?" I rambled off all the questions that came to my mind at the alarming thought of picking a dress out for an occasion I know nothing about. A problem that a guy definitely wouldn't grasp.

Peter gingerly chuckled at my panicking. He stood close now looking down at me in amusement and love all at the same time. "Honey..." he began with a grin just staring down at me taking in all my features. He softly placed a his hands on both shoulders and rubbed as he spoke. "Get something semi-fancy, it's for a dinner okay?" He tilted his head while asking to read my expression.

"Okay... honey" I replied in a sarcastic tone teasing the nickname he'd given. Not that I minded it, I just found it amusing he's moving so quick. Though technically we have known each other for almost five years now.

"Yeah. Honey. Now turn around," he took his hold on my shoulders to spin me around. "And go get ready," he said in a playfully fake aggressive tone while smacking me on the butt.

I let out a little squeal at his actions while laughing my way out and to my room to find an outfit. "You two are gross," Rocket cringed from the hall as I approached.

"Why are we gross?" I chuckled. Rocket is always complaining about something. One second it's me and Peter are annoying and won't stop fighting and now that we're happy and have stopped apparently we're gross. Complaining is just part of Rockets personality at this point so I never really take it seriously.

He looked at me like I were dumb and his comment was clearly obvious. "You've been in his room all day long, haven't come out to see the light of day," he started listing off as if it were offenses for a crime. "It doesn't take a genius to know what that entails"

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