Chapter 5

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"With this!" Donkey brings out the shell Grug gave him earlier..."we could sell it!"

"What?!..No!" Shrek says as he grabs it back
"But why?" Donkey says tilting his head
"Grug said that this is for me to call him whenever I need help..." Shrek says sighing a bit and gets an Idea

"what about...we sell everything here!?" 

"WHAT?" Donkey says as he looks around.. "ARE. YOU. INSANE?...WHY?"

Shrek chuckles and sighs...

"people would love the swamp and the whole thing you know?...or maybe someone could..renovate the place?" Shrek says shrugging

"I mean...its a good point ya know?" Donkey says as he sighs "but if you do that then..where would we stay?" Donkey says with worry

"Maybe we'll make our own place you know?" Shrek says as he sighs..

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