Chapter 13

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"ah! there you are Shrek!" Grug says

"h-hi" Shrek says blushing then frowns a bit

"what's the matter sugarpoo?" Grug says concerned

"are you planning to cheat on your wife with me?" Shrek says looking away

" baby I'm wife Ugga passed away 1000 BCE ago" Grug says sadly

"oh...I'm sorry" Shrek says feeling bad

"its long as your happy in knowing the truth" Grug chuckles

Shrek blushes more "Okay! so what's the plan" 

"so first we'll need to sneak inside the'll go...I'll be a distraction" Grug says

"b-but what if-" Shrek says

"No..I wont be hurt...I promise you" Grug says smiling

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