8 || Caramel Apples

17 3 0

 -[8:00 pm]-

The rush hour died around 8 pm, leaving three sitting behind the counter and maybe 1 customer. All three avoided that one specific topic like the plague. Or maybe that was just Jaemin's overthinking and the rest forgot about it already.

The owner got up a few minutes later, cleaning the table of the last customers. Jaemin offered to do the cleaning but Jeno firmly ordered him to sit back and relax till his hand healed.

Is that why he cut the strawberries himself too?

"Hey Jaemin, can we use the PS5?"

"I guess so" Jaemin replied to Haechan. He thought back to the last time he played with the snow-haired male, that was the most fun he's had.

"Yes!", Hyuck cheered to himself, "Does it have League of Legends?"

"What's that?"

Haechan gasped loudly, offended to his core.


"I'll head out now", Donghyuck waved at them and disappeared into the dark crowd.

The two were left in soothing silence. Soft lo-fi tunes danced in the coffee shop, slowing down time while the city bustled along outside.

The white-haired male broke the silence with his calm voice, "How's your hand?"

The younger stopped brooming, and replied in a low voice, "It's okay"

"I see. What about your uni, how's that going for you?"

"Uni is good, but I'm still trying to balance everything"

Walking towards the tables, Jeno nodded in agreement, "It's probably very difficult to manage the workload.. especially with a part-time job"

"Yeah, but I'm actually glad I got a job here because it's near, and has amazing food"

The taller sat on one of the chairs and tapped the table twice, signaling Jaemin to sit with him. Chuckling he questioned, "You mean pastries and desserts?"

"I never thought I'd ever say this but anything other than ramen is good. Having it every day really makes you sick of it"

"Every day?", Jeno's brows furrowed

"Yeah, it was pretty bad. So thank you for letting me have food from here"

"That's no problem at all", Jeno smiled.

His eyes widened in realization. Turning to Jaemin, and proposed, "I just remembered I have to pick up some coffee beans. Would you like to come along?"

The question startled Jaemin, causing him to have a small battle inside his head,

No, you have a lot of schoolwork to complete

What work? I just need to proofread my essay and submit it before midnight.

No no no, you should be worried! You can still cram in some information if you hurry home

But I do not want to

I don't care, you should go home

Oh shut up, knowing me very well, I'd go home, stress about cramming up stuff and instead procrastinate and rot my eyes in front of my laptop. I'm going with him and that's final.

Oh please you're only going so you get to spend more time with him.

"Jaemin?", the white-haired male caught the attention of the younger, "Are you okay? You spaced out"

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'll tag along. Let me just get my wallet"

With the confirmation, the voices inside his head calmed down and he sat shotgun beside Jeno.

The night sky resembled a clear pond, still and empty. A cool breeze fluttered around them, as the older concentrated on the road. Jaemin noticed Jeno tapping his fingers on his thigh, matching the beat of the song, 'Best Part'

The older felt the gaze leave a warm imprint on his side, he glanced aside as the song played

You're the coffee that I need in the morning

You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring

Their eyes met like galaxies colliding, irreversible and irresistible.

The younger felt his heart beating faster than usual, and nervousness crept up his spine.

Looking away, he whispered, "The light is green," The younger cursed at himself for stumbling upon his words.

The older blinked and returned his gaze to the road ahead. 'I'm so fucking stupid', he thought.

-The Next Day-

"What're you guys playing?"

Jaemin sprang off the bean bag and onto the floor. Clutching his heart, he whipped his head towards the voice that sent shivers down his neck.

Holy shit.

The sweet smell of caramel apples hit his nose. Renjun.

"Hey there, cutie", the brunette winked.

"Wait, so let me get this straight, this Renjun guy openly confessed his love for Jaemin in front of you?"

"Mhm", Jeno mumbled, side-eyeing the two. This time he couldn't hear a word they spoke.

"God damn it, that sexy angel likes Jaemin. All these hot guys dying over Jaemin, and then there's me."

Silence ensued, and Jeno got even more irritated by the second.

"You know what, up your game, dude. You're hotter than fucking Chris Hemsworth. Okay maybe not that hot, but almost, so just don't let that sexy man steal your guy."

"What the fuck-"

"Shut up and go", Haechan urged, nudging at his arm harshly.

"I'm still your boss". He hesitated but moved slowly towards the two, "Hello, are you ready to order?"

"Oh yes, one affogato for me and an iced americano for Jaem"

"Jaem? Are you guys like brothers now? Giving each other nicknames and stuff"

Renjun backed his head in disgust, "Brothers? He's like..." Renjun trailed off. Clenching his fists, he raised his head and spoke with renewed confidence, "my new interest"

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