Branch's Flashback

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For a long time afterwards, Branch just stared blankly out the door into the night.

He didn't know what to think and didn't know how to fully process what had happened, but he knew that it was not a good thing. His brothers had raised their voices before, sure, but it was only in the occasion of hitting a high note for a song that they were singing. This type of voice-raising that he'd heard sounded angry and aggressive, and it had ended with John Dory, Clay, and Spruce walking right out the front door without so much as a second thought. Floyd had seemed as though he would stay behind, and Branch had silently hoped that he wouldn't leave. Out of all his brothers, the magenta Trolling was the closest to him. But the little baby was surprised to find that he too went off, with only a mediocre explanation for their parting. What was it that he said again? He could recall something about not being 'in sync' or whatnot, but what the heck did that mean? It was only when his grandmother came looking for him that the reality of the situation dawned on Branch.

"Branch?" Grandma Rosiepuff said tentatively. She looked around the baby, confused, and almost sensing the lingering tension in the air. "Sweetie... where are your brothers?"

Unable to explain - a combination of confusion for what happened as well as the inability to speak - the little baby's face scrunched, tears spilling from his eyes and a sob wailing out.


In time, Branch got used to it.

Even when it had seemed to the little baby that he'd never get over it, he eventually did to a significant degree. For the first few days after their departure, Grandma Rosiepuff was determined to find the boys, figuring that they couldn't have gone far and were simply brooding for a bit before they returned. But after a week of searching every bit of the Troll Tree, its surrounding area and asking all Trolls if they'd seen them only to receive "no"s and "sorry"s, that hope was becoming a grim one. After all, it was difficult to do a search - while attempting to remain inconspicuous - with a young baby who was not as aware of the dangers of the Bergens that surrounded the Troll Tree. And, even when she went off and searched on her own, she found she just couldn't bear leaving Branch alone with a babysitter for too long. So she'd returned, heartbroken, hoping that wherever her boys were that they were safe, praying that a Bergen had not snatched them and ended their lives early.


Branch knew his grandma was sad. She tried not to show it whenever she was around him, but he would hear her sometimes crying in her room when she thought he was down for his nap. Her colors had dulled slightly in the month that had followed, taking on a slightly grayish hue, mourning the loss of the grandsons who at this point appeared would not return. Branch, too, slightly dulled in his colors. His blue was a little less vibrant. It hadn't been as much fun without his brothers. It had been great to play, and sing, and dance with them. He missed when John Dory gave him a singing lesson. Or when Spruce showed him how to bust a dance move. Or when Clay would recruit him to help pull a silly prank on the others. Or when Floyd showed him how to write, hoping that Branch could create some songs of his own one day.

Slowly, however, things did get back to a norm. Both grandson and grandmother had come to terms with what had occurred - neither was satisfied, but both had come to terms. And, along with that norm, things slowly began to get better. Branch, for one, did not have to fight for equal attention from his grandmother. He was her sole focus now, the center of her universe, the one ray of sunshine in the cloudy sadness that hung about them. And as time passed and he grew, Branch became comfortable with it just being the two of them. In the quiet nights, he snuggled into the folds of his grandmother's cloak and fell asleep to the soft sound of her lullabies. In the sunny days they went out about the Troll Tree, with Branch helping her with chores or other activities. Through it all, though, Branch never lost his love for singing. He may not have a band to be a part of anymore, but it didn't mean he couldn't go solo. Maybe he could even have a great career!

These were some of the thoughts that were swirling around in his head on that one fateful day that he so loathed, distracting him along with the song that had provided the soundtrack for his grandmother's terrible end. The hurt he felt was inexplicable, and the last image of his grandmother screaming as she was taken by the Bergen burned into his mind was too horrific. He'd sat there once again for a long time afterwards, staring at the ground, squeezing his eyes shut and quietly sobbing. His parents had been long gone. His brothers were all gone. His grandmother was gone. He was alone.

A part of him felt that he should have been grateful that he wasn't gone, something that would have likely happened if it had not been for his grandmother's sacrifice. But, what use was it having survived if it meant he had no one to share his happiness with? It was for that very reason that Branch soon found his colors dulling, this time, permanently. His vibrant blue had not returned, not for nearly two decades later...

All of these memories, all of them, came flooding back in an instant as Branch stood there, staring at the collection of BroZone albums and magazines that were in the caterbus. Poppy, on the other hand, happily skimmed through the collection, thrilled. She turned to him, about to ask a question when she took note of his expression. It was nowhere near as eager as hers was. She quietly placed her magazine down and went up to him, gently placing a hand on his arm.

"Hey," she said softly. "Are you okay?"

Branch glanced at her. There was genuine concern in her gaze, and felt his heart melt. He didn't want her to fret over him. He had gotten over all of that, well... for the most part, but he would never admit to that little bit of longing to reunite with his brothers out loud. He nodded slowly.

"Yeah... I'm good."


A/N: They can't NOT mention Grandma Rosiepuff, and I have a feeling it will be sad when they do 🥺

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