True colors

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Niki was a shy girl. She wasn't like the other girls, she actually never really fit into any sort of clique or social group. She was, at least outwardly, a quirky, fun, bubbly and happy girl. She was quite good looking by conventional standard with her long black hair, black glasses, elegant facial features and at 160lbs she had a well proportioned figure but was more bottom heavy then top heavy . She didn't quite like the popular "pretty" girls, as she didn't agree with how they treated others and Niki was friends with everyone. Niki was also quite the nerd as well, she adored anime and hello kitty and always liked to talk to all the nerd cliques about the latest seasons of anime and what was coming up in series that they were watching. She also had a somewhat gothic style, wearing mostly grey and black long sleeve sweaters, jeans or black leggings and vans or combat boots, so she was always able to hang out with all the goths and wasteoids. She was a happy, kind and shy girl who always had a smile on her face and a sweet demeanor. But she had a secret. She had a crush, no, an obsession with one of the boys in her class. Titus was a very athletic young man at about 6' Eve and about 195lbs with medium length messy brown hair and brown eyes, he was in the same senior class that Niki was. He was far less personable than Niki and could almost be called a recluse in a sense. He spoke very little and had only one very close friend that anyone knew of, and even then they barely talked in school although sometimes they did and that would make him crack a smile. Titus was a member of the wrestling team and in all honesty he was a very proficient wrestler. He mostly took part in the summer Greco season. When he did go freestyle in the winter Niki would go to every single match and cheer him on, although he never acknowledged her, he barely acknowledged anyone who came to support him or anyone who was there at all. He was a focused, aggressive, tenacious and disciplined competitor having a current record 53 wins and 10 losses. He wasn't a wrestler by nature though he'd only stated that in middle school and Niki could remember seeing him at home matches back then, so determined and energetic, even when he was still learning and when he used to lose still. He hadn't lost any match since 9th grade and while he was a good wrestler his real love, she knew, was Muay Thai. She figured out that since he was 5 he had competed in Muay Thai and by 8th grade he was a middle weight champion in his weight class and age. She started secretly going to all of his matches in 10th grade when she got her drivers license. She watched him win all his teenage competitions, all his belts and medals, she knew his pre match ritual like the back of her hand. She knew his favorite pre match snack (a spoonful of peanut butter and a spoonful of honey), she knew his favorite Gatorade (Blue frost). Niki knew Titus, at least what she could see without speaking to him, like an open book. But what she didn't know was the why. Why did he spend every waking minute of his free time either in the school wrestling room or in his Muay Thai gym. Why he always looked stone faced and didn't talk to anyone, even his wrestling teammates, and why he was so avoidant of everyone at school. She loved him, more than he ever knew or acknowledged. She practically lived with him. Her closet was lined with photos she took of him, she had empty bottles of the Gatorade that he drank from his Muay Thai Matches. She had even stole one of his warm up hoodies that he left in the locker room at a home wrestling meet, she loved the scent of it and could almost imagine herself nestled into his strong arms, it was heavenly.

Niki couldn't take it anymore, this was her senior year and she may never see Titus again after they graduated and it was already January. She knew that Titus always went in at 5am to practice in the wrestling room before school started at 7. She brought her favorite knife and her lock picking kit and wore he black hoodie and her combat boots and jeans. She managed to get into the gym and could see light coming from underneath the doors to the wrestling room. She crept closer and looked through the crack in the door. There he was practicing double leg take down drills and doing intervals on the assault bike, she found it surprisingly arousing to watch this. She finally mustered her courage and entered the room. Titus was in the middle of a set of Sprints and didn't even acknowledge her entrance. She started to speak "he..hello are you Titus?" "Yes" he replied through heavy breathing as he continued his set of sprints. His reply was short and monotone but she continued " name is Niki, I'm in your.." "I know who you are, Niki Johnson, you're in my 3rd period trig class, you sit at the back of the class. What do you want." It wasn't as much a question as it was simply a demand. Niki blushed and got nervous, but spoke up saying "well I..uh..I..I've seen you in class every day for a long time, we've been classmates since primary school and I was wondering um..if you uhh..if you wanted to.." "The answer is no." Niki was shocked and lost for words, she didn't even finish what she was saying and he already responded with no. "But..I didn't even finish what I wa.." "You were gonna ask me to go out with you weren't you." " I was.." "yeah the answer is still fuckin no." It was like a knife wound to Niki's heart. "But...but why you barely Know me...can't I just have a chance?.." "no, all you girls at this school hell all you GIRLs are all the fuckin same. I don't need your distractions and drama and bullshit and ego in my life. I don't date, period. Now leave me the hell alone." Niki felt crushed, he didn't even look at her when he spoke, he simple went from his sprints to jumping rope and didn't even make eye contact with her. She couldn't give up she had to keep trying, she loved him so much. "Tell me.." "tell you what." "Why you won't date me." "Nothing personal, I don't date that's it. Are you done?" "But why?" "Because you women are nothing but fuckin drama and I don't need that and can't afford it in my life." "What...what do you mean you women?" "Did I fuckin stutter?" "No that how you look at all women? that what you think about every single one? What about your family?" "Never needed one in my life, never had one, and sure as shit don't need one now especially some girl who I don't even associate with, now, can you please leave me alone and fuck off." His words cut deep and made her hurt. But she couldn't let him get away, she had to have him. He was HER man. If she couldn't have him no one could. Niki drew her knife and started laughing, a demented smile growing on her face " I love you I LOVE YOU TITUS. I...we're perfect for each other. You're MINE I WANT YOU I ...I NEED YOU, YOU HAVE TO BE MINE!" Just then Titus finally stopped jumping rope and turned to her, his face a cold flat expression "What do you propose to do with that little box cutter huh? Go ahead I won't fuckin stop you." She stared at her, no through her, but Niki looked at him with demented eyes and a head that only kept pushing her to take him. If he couldn't have him, no one could. She lunged at him with full force, laughing psychotically as she did. "AAAHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU TITUS, BE MINE FOREVER!!" She laughed as she went to try to sink her knife into him. In an instant Niki felt an impact in he left thigh that felt just like getting hit full force with a baseball bat. Titus delivered a crippling Low kick with deadly force and unavoidable speed. Niki all at once lost her feet and collapsed to the ground. The pain was horrific and she felt as though her femur might be fractured. She looked back with pain and fear in her eyes " but.." Titus said nothing as he walked over to her, a deadpan expression on his face and eyes narrowed like a predator looking at prey. All at once Niki felt fear. She knew it wasn't going to be her making him love her even by force, no, the tables were beyond turned. "Really? You thought lunging at me with a knife would, an untrained idiot" He said coldly. Niki turned over to her back her eyes wide with both fear and excitement, he face still in a smile if only to try to grit her teeth and fight through the throbbing pain in her thigh. She reached for her knife but as she did Titus stepped on her arm and then dropped to a knee on her elbow sending a shock wave of pain through her arm and shoulder as she cried out. "Really? You thought that would work? This isn't some anime, this is real life. I'm not some spineless whelp who's afraid of some obsessive Yandere psycho chick. You're a normal ass girl and I'm a trained fucking fighter. Did you even think this through?" Through tears and a teeth gritted smile Niki said " I can't let you go" Titus sighed "you never had me, you don't even know me" Niki cried out now not from pain but from sadness "I DO KNOW YOU, I KNOW YOUR HOBBIES YOUR PRACTICES ALL YOUR FAVORITE THINGS IVE BEEN TO EVERY MATCH OF YOURS SINCE I COULD DRIVE..I..I LOVE YOU TITUS!" She cried as she struggled to try to lift her pinned arm. "Fuck this I'm done" Titus said as he went and placed the outer edge of his forearm down on Niki's neck and Bore down on it. It felt like a crowbar pressing down into her trachea. The pressure and weight was immense. She struggled to draw breath with each passing second and her eyes teared up as Titus stared down at her with stone cold eyes. Titus coldy and calmly spoke "you really wanna die over this?" Niki smiled and said in a raspy choked voice "if happy." All at once Titus stopped applying pressure, his eyes went wide and he let off Niki's throat. "Wh...what did you say?" Niki coughed and took deep breaths as her flushed tear streaked face formed a smile as she spoke while panting "As it makes you...happy." Titus was stunned he got up and stepped back and looked down at this girl that he just incapacitated for attempting to stab him, now willingly letting him kill her if it....made him happy? "Why...what the hell? Why we're going to let me kill you?" "Because I love you...if that made you happy then I'd let you do it." "You don't even know me. Why do you love me?" Titus said his voice now slightly unnerved. "Oh Titus" Niki started as she began to crawl towards him "I've been watching you since were were in middle school, I know so so SO much about you. I love every part of you. I was there when you won districts last year, I was there when you won the light heavyweight bout and got your medal even when you didn't properly cut weight for your most recent Muay Thai match" "I was trying to fight up a class that match." "I know" Niki said Her face a beaming smile as she dragged herself across the mat and wrapped herself around Tituses right leg, hugging it and purring as she did. "I noticed you had more food for lunch each day and more carbs then you normally do" Titus was taken aback "why the hell do you watch all of this stuff about me? What is so fucking interesting that you feel the need to stalk me?" "You are" Niki said smiling and looking up at him. Titus Sighed "oh my..Can you stand up?" Niki said " I don't know I think I ...AAAAA!" She felt a shock of pain from her left leg. She never broke a bone before but if she ever did this is what she imagined it'd feel like. "I...I can't stand my leg it it's on fire" Niki said as her leg throbbed." Titus blinked and offered her an arm. Niki with a warm smile accepted his hand and he put her arm over his shoulder as he assisted her to the nurses office. When they got there the nurse asked her "how did this happen honey? That's quite the big bruise there." Titus was about to speak up when Niki said "I'm such a clutz, I missed a step carrying all my books and fell down several steps and landed on the edge of one of the bottom steps, I'm so sorry." Niki said with a look of sincerity. Titus had a look of slight surprise on his face and was about to say something when Niki spoke again "Titus saw me fall. He came and helped me get all my stuff and helped me here though so I'm alright." Titus now had a look of near shock on his face. The nurse smiled and said "oh what a nice young gentleman, helping her out. You're a real good boy you know that?" Titus blushed slightly and replied "uuuhhh yeah...thanks."

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