///Chapter One\\\

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'RIIIING' There was a collective groan from the form room, the bell had just gone, meaning it was time for the first class of the day.
"Don't forget your exams start soon!" the teacher, Mr Costar, reminded the class before they headed to their first lesson, looking at their phones ignoring everyone around them. He fell back into his leather chair sipping his coffee with a content sigh.
"Morning sir" a student greeted. The teacher smiled softly at the student.
"Morning Bosip! Ready for the lesson?" Costar asked.
"Yep" Bosip replied with a soft, determined smile.

Bosip was one of his favourites. Although he wasn't supposed to have favourites as a teacher, Bosip was quiet, calm, and got the work done first time. Most other students made a racket and took alot of work to actually make them do something. It was nice to have a change.

Bosip was quite an average height, standing at 5'11, his soft golden hair slightly messy but perfect, his black glasses sitting on his nose. He was a top student in most of his classes, though he only had afew friends, Bowaev, Bobot and Boder. Although they were all in different years, they had stuck together for as long as they remember. Bosip smiled at the fond memories they had created, setting his bag down by his chair and sitting down.

He was always early to his first class as his form basically didn't exist. They kinda just took the register, did announcements and then they were free to do what they wanted. Bosip always took the oportunity to get to his class early, to avoid the mass of students moving to first lesson. It wasn't as bad later on in the day, some year groups would eat their lunch, others would be stuck in a double lesson, so the hallways weren't as packed as the mornings.

Bosip sighed contently, brushing a hand through his hair, being interrupted by a paper ball to the head. His head shot up and rolled his eyes with a smile, realising it was his teacher getting his attention.
"We have a new student joining us today I want you to make sure he feels comfortable." Mr Costar said turning back to his computer. Bosip nodded grabbing his things from his bag and setting them on the desk. His mind wondered for a bit about what the new kid would be like. Probably like the rest. Manage moved for bad behaviour. Same hairstyle as the rest. Messy clothes. Avoiding work and classes. And the same damn deoderant. Bosip internally groaned at the thought of having to sit next to a kid like that.

Bosip's thoughts were interrupted as the door burst open. The class entered noisily, chattering away as they took their assigned seats and stuffed their phones back into their pockets.
"Settle down guys, I need to take the register" Mr Costar said raising his voice over the class. The class fell silent waiting for resgistration to finish. Two minutes later, the register was finshed and everyone started talking again, waiting for the work to appear on the whiteboard. Bosip huffed, bored, wanting the lesson to start.

He had never been a fan of english, his favourite subject being music. He glanced up to the board, reading the work on the board. It was some exam practice for 'An Inspector Calls'. Exams started in two months and Bosip had never felt more stressed in his life. Teachers constantly reminding him of the exams, constantly having to do exam style questions so he had an 'advantage' and teachers just going on in general. It was all so exhausting and he just wanted a break from it all. He stretched preparing himself for another motivational talk from Mr Costar before starting on the work. It was just analyzing quotes nothing unusual (help im not in yr 11 i have no clue what they do on an inspector calls ;-;).

"Now guys don't forget that when you sit your exam-" Mr costar had begun another one of his motivational exam stress speeches when there was a knock on the door, interrupting him.
"Yes? Come in." He said looking over to the classroom door. The door opened. Bosip stared in shock. He could tell this was the new student a mile off. His nervous stance, staring at the ground awkwardly, and looking like he was new to the whole country.
Except he wasn't what Bosip was expecting.

He deffinately had not moved due to behaviour, he was too shy to start off with. He didn't have the same annoying noodle hairstyle that everyone seemed to wear these days, no. Instead it was fluffy and a soft blue colour with a pink flower in it. His clothes weren't messy either. His yellow jumper may have had multicoloured patches sewn on but it suited him, it didn't look messy. Underneath the yellow jumper was a white shirt probably to stay warm. It was only March after all. His brownish-grey jeans were slightly rolled up at the ankles and his black slip-ons completed the look. He looked to be about 5'8 and only one thing went through Bosip's head.


Wait. What? He awkwardly looked away, realising he had been staring for way too long.
"Ah yes" Mr Costar cleared his throat before continuing, "class we have a new student joining us, his name is Bob, I hope you all make him feel welcomed." Bob awkwardly waved at the class, his cheeks dusted red from embarassment.
"Bob you'll be sitting over there by Bosip" Mr Costar said, pointing in Bosip's direction. Bob nodded, making his way to Bosip's desk, staring at his feet.
"As I was saying, don't stress about exams...." Mr Costar's voice faded into background noise as Bosip stared at the boy who had just sat next to him.

He could tell that he most likely had some form of anxiety due to the fact he looked like he was about to pass out when he was introduced. Bosip found it cute, he was fragile and pretty like a flower. Bosip shook his head looking away. He knew he was bisexual, but jeez he had never been this quick to admire someone's looks before. Especially a boy.

He almost gave himself a heart attack when he felt someone tap his arm. His head shot over in Bob's direction noticing the embarassment on his face. Bosip raised a brow.
"Are you alright" he asked genuinly curious about what could be bothering the boy next to him.
"Ah..um...I was uh...wondering...if you could help me...around the school?" Bob asked nervously, fidgiting and avoiding eye contact. Bosip's heart melted.
"Of course I can! Maybe we could even be friends?" Bosip wanted some kind of relationship with Bob, he wanted to help him be more confident.

He could tell that Bob was the kind of person to get too stressed over exams and have a breakdown. Bosip wondered what had caused him to be like this. There was always a reason to someone having anxiety, whether it's the way they were brought up, or past events that affected them, it's always something. He looked back over to Bob, finding him deep in thought. Suddenly his head snapped up and he made eye contact with Bosip before smiling bashfully.
"Sure!" Bob seemed happy that someone was willing to help him and be friends with him on the first day of school. His face warmed slightly. Maybe, just maybe, his life would change for the better. He hoped for it as he turned toward the board and started on the work, a happy smile plastered on his face.


Chapter one done! Sorry if its crap or short i havent wrote in eons oml. I'll write chapter two soon :)

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