///Chapter two\\\

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Bosip sighed in relief as the break bell went. He had been stuck in maths (everybodies favourite subject :D /j) for the past two hours, he was glad it was over. He yawned and looked over to Bob, who had fallen asleep on the desk. His cheeks heated up slightly at the sight. He just looked too precious! He mentally slapped himself. 'You cant be doing this! You just met him dummy' His mind told him as he caught himself staring for the second time that day. He smiled softly, shaking off his thoughts before gently shaking Bob's shoulder. Bob yawned and stretched blinking away the tiredness in his eyes.
"Huh?" he said in a tired daze unaware it was the end of the lesson. Bosip chuckled.
"You fell asleep. Its break now grab your things" Bosip explained as he stood up, grabbing his bag and putting his maths book into it. He heard Bob huff lightly beside him.

"Something the matter?" He questioned.
"I'm just tired" Bob muttered before yawning and standing up.
"Do you not sleep well?" Bosip asked, tilting his head.
"I-I do I j-just didn't sleep well last night.." Bob replied placing his maths book inside his bag.
"Alright well It's break now. I'll take you to where I usually hang out with my friends" Bosip said with a slightly more excited tone in his voice.
"F-friends?" Bob repeated, slightly nervous to meet new people.
"Oh don't worry I only have three, not including you" Bosip replied, guiding Bob down the crowded hallway.
"A-alright" Bob said, fidgeting with the long sleeves of his jumper.
"Don't be nervous they're nice! I promise" Bosip said gently noticing Bob's shift in mood. Bob looked at Bosip and gave him a soft smile. Bosip smiled back and continued making his way to the bottom half of the field where he usually sat. The two walked in comfortable silence until the came upon a large gathering of trees.

The trees were cherry blossoms, surrounding three small benches. The area was littered with little white flowers and bees flying around, gathering pollen. The grass was long but not long enough to make it uncomfortable to walk through. And finally in the centre was a beautiful pond closed off by a white wooden fence. The paint was chipped and faded but added to the calm aura of the place. Bob stared in awe, he had never seen a place so beautiful. Bosip chuckled.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
"Yeah..." Bob replied completly hypnotised by its beauty.
"C'mon the others will think I'm dead" Bosip laughed lightly, grabbing Bob's hand and dragging him to a bench further back. Bob felt the heat rise to his cheeks as they were dusted pink. His mind was racing over the fact that Bosip had grabbed his hand as though it was nothing to him, but to Bob it gave him little butterflies in his stomach. He shook the feeling off as they got closer to the bench. He could see three people sat down, chatting and laughing with eachother.

The oldest looking one wore a brown jumper with a soft pastel purple scarf. He wore grey jeans and brown boots that came just under his knees. His hair was a blueish grey and he wore a teal earring on his right ear. (Boder doesnt have 4 arms in this cuz idk how to write it 😭😭). Next to him sat a shorter boy who wore a yellow jumper with denim dungarees over the top. He had knee height white socks and white trainers. He wore a dusky purple hat which seemed to have an eye stitched onto the front. Peeking from under his hat, was some fluffy, pale cyan hair. Sat opposite them, was an average height boy. He wore a coral red jumper with a brown and yellow jacket over the top. He wore black jeans, and strangely, sandles. On his head was a yellow hat (idk what its called fuck) with a pink bow tied around it. The boy wore a white face mask and his pinkish gold hair covered his left eye. A necklace sat on his neck, bearing an emerald.

"C'mon let's go introduce you" Bosip said, gently motioning for Bob to follow him. Bob exhaled nervously following behind Bosip as they approached the bench.
"Hey guys!" Bosip greeted the group, waving with a smile.
"Bosip!" the boy with the pale cyan hair said with slight irritance. "We've been waiting for ages!" The boy whined. The boy with the grey hair chuckled.
"Leave Bosip alone he probably got stuck in the corridor" The boy huffed returning to the bench while the boy with coral red hair just stared not saying anything.
"So guys we've got a new person with us now" Bosip started, grabbing the attention of the group "his name is Bob and don't go crazy around him he's quite shy at first" Bosip stated with a chuckle.

Bob nervously stepped from behind Bosip, tucking a stray peice of hair behind his ear and waving shyly. The boy with cyan hair ran up to Bob, stars in his eyes.
"Hi! My name's Bowaev it's cool that someone else here has blue hair! Everyone else is boring" Bowaev gushed, trying not to ramble. Bob chuckled nervously.
"Yeah...I guess". The boy with grey hair walked up to Bob, gently pushing Bowaev behind him, earning an irritated whine from the smaller boy. He began to sign to Bob (hc that boder knows sign language..unless its canon im going from memory here 😭)
"Sorry about Bowaev he gets excited when he meets new people, my name is Boder it's nice to meet you Bob" Boder nodded towards Bosip to start translating but Bob cut them off.
"I-it's alright I uh s-studied sign language when I was y-younger" Bob explained happily. Boder grinned.
"Finally someone else who knows sign language" Bowaev gave Boder a playful glare.
"Hey stop being mean! I can speak some just not much" he pouted crossing his arms. Finally, the boy with pinkish hair stepped forward. He seemed to be the type who didn't communicate with others easily.
"Hi. My name's Bobot it's nice to meet you....I guess" Bobot said looking away awkwardly. Bob gave a nervous but gentle smile.
"I-It's nice to meet you too B-Bobot"

Bosip smiled at the group.
"C'mon guys lets go sit at the bench" Everyone nodded and walked to the bench taking their normal seats. Bowaev and Boder sat right next to eachother while Bobot perched on the end to make space for Bob and Bosip to sit on the opposite side.
"So Bob how do you like the school so far?" Bosip questioned, grabbing his lunch box from his worn bag and taking out a bread roll.
"Mm its been alright.....a b-bit crowded though" Bob replied playing with the sleeves of his jumper.
"Eh you'll get used to it" Bosip shrugged taking a bite out of his bread roll. Bob spaced out as the rest of the group began to talk about random occurences of the day. He stared at the falling cherry blossom petals, deep in thought. 'I wonder how dad will be when I get home...proably the same...still drunk' he sighed before being snapped out of his thoughts by Bowaev.
"Hellooo? Earth to Bob?" He said waving his hand infront of Bob's face.
"Huh..?" Bob questioned.
"It's the end of break silly! You zoned out you looked like a zombie" Bowaev giggled. Bob smiled before turning to Bosip.
"What lesson do we have next?" Bob asked.
"Hmm Lemme see your timetable" Bosip requested, holding out his hand. Bob silently handed it over, waiting to find out his lesson. Bosip smiled warmly, and for a second, Bob's cheeks dusted pink again. 'Snap out of it stupid' He shook his head as Bosip handed him his timetable.
"Good news you have Music with me" Bosip said beggining to lead the way to the next class.

They walked toward their next class, waving goodbye to their friends. A few minutes later, they arrived infront of a short white building with two glass doors. Above them was a metal plate which read 'Music Block'. Bob was about to ask Bosip about music when he felt something small and sharp hit the back of his head. He hissed in pain as he turned around, grabbing the attention of Bosip.
"Something wro-" Bosip was cut off as he saw who was approaching. He froze in anger.

"Well well look who we have here"


Haha cliffhanger! Srry if its shit and late i got caught up with school work i have to do a shit ton of assessments cuz its end of year but i will try to update more frequently! And a few explanations if ur confused. I hc that Bob indeed knows sign language as he chose to learn it when he was younger, incase he met someone who was hard of hearing/deaf or mute. And ill try not to spoil but Bob's dad has a drinking problem which will be explained later on and will have significance. Other than that let me know if anything else confuses u!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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