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We all wake up
Me:hey guys
Rosie rolls her eyes and get her stuff and throws our her pjs on my bed
Me:what's wrong
Rosie:really you tell me😑
Then I see Kristin
I scream everyone wakes up
Kristin:hi guys
Thomas:get out now
Ace:Rosie what's wrong
Rosie's:what's wrong is you had sex with Bailey
Me:what no we didn't
Mia:WTH rosie no they didn't
Thomas:ohh Kristin WTH did you do 🤦‍♀️
Krsitin:told her the truth now she is leaving..
She cuts him off
Rosie:we are leaving correct teen him
Ace:omg Rosie we never did that why would you believe him over your own boyfriend and friends
Rosie:idk maybe he just..
Me:Rosie listen he stalks people and he lies he literally is dating Emily and your his side chick
Rosie's jaw drops
Rosie:is that true is that fucking true Kristin you told me you were done will her
Kristin:no I am done with her
Rosie:idk why I believed you omg what's wrong with me
Me:Rosie it's fine
Ace:come here
He puts his arms out
They hug for a min
Rosie:guys I'm sorry I really am
Thomas:it's fine Kristin out
Kristin:whatever Emily is better looking anyways
Rosie looks at me
I am crying
Ace:omg what's wrong
Me:well I can't believe that I lied him when I first moved here and I like someone now but they don't like me back
Ace:well who every it is they are a dick head
We all go down for breakfast
Me:GuysI'm going go swim
We get changed in the same thing me and Mia jump in and start splashing each other
Me:would should get out so we can go eat
I sit on top of the counter with Paige next to me and everyone else in the chairs
Thomas:do y'all not know what chairs are
Me:yes but the counter is better
We all laugh
Paige:guys we should go to Bryce's house
Me:??? Who's
Mia:ohh that's the sway boys house lol
Me:ohh hah
Ace:yeah lets go
We all go get in the car I seat next to Bryce and Jacob ace and Rosie behind me
Bryce but his hand on my thing ⚠️
Bryce whispers
Bryce:hey Bbg
Me:stop Bryce
Bryce:no I wnat you
We get there and Bryce tries to grab my waist
Jaden comes running
Jaden:Bryce stop she said stop
Ace then sees
He pins me to the wall
Me:stop Bryce
Jaden pulls him off of me
I fall to the ground balling
Jaden:are you ok I'm Jaden
Me: I'm fine my name is Bailey
Jaden:come on
He grabs me and takes me to the counter and washes my face mads walks in
Jaden:I'm just cleaning her up
Me:sorry I didn..
She cuts me off
Mads:idc just stay away form him
Paige then comes and sees mads
Paige:WTH go
Me:bitch the fuck he was helping me so go suck a coak
Jaden laughs and we all leave
Rosie's pov
I really like her she is so sweet

Back to me
We get back and we all go to sleep

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