Goodbyes and hellos

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I wake to hear Rylan talking
Me:bubs what's wrong
Me:ryaln be honest with me pls
Rylan:ok I have to go to the army for a couple of months and I don't want to go but I have to
I start crying
Ryaln:bubs I'm so sorry I don't want to go
Me:no it's not that I'm just scared that when your gone something will happen I'm scared
Rylan hugs me
Rylan:I will make thomas and Jacob look out for you ok
Me:ok when do you leave
I end up start crying
Rylan:umm tomorrow
Rylan:I'm so sorry I wnat to hold you so bad can I
Me:ofc your your my boyfriend
We cuddle and then we go down to eat breakfast
Thomas:what's wrong looks like you been crying
Jacob:bro did you do sm to her
Me:no he is just going to the army
Ryalns pov
Ace:finally he will be gone
Me:dare touch her and I will beat your ass I mean it
Ace just laughs
Me:Jacob and thomas come here pls
Thomas:what is it
Me:pls make sure that he doesn't touch her at all ok
Jacob:ohh trust me he won't
We all go back in side
My pov
I do grabby hands to Rylan
Ryaln:your so cute
I just smile as he hugs me from behind
Ace:I could do that to
Me:dude no you can't
Rylan:just stop she mine
Ace laughs and goes upstairs
Rylan:I'm going go pack
He kisses me and goes upstairs

                                     Skip to tomorrow

He comes down stairs and says his goodbyes and now it's me 😭
Rylan:I'm sorry I have to leave
Me:it-its fine
I start crying
He holds me and kisses me and then he leaves
Paige hold me as he leave
Me:I don't want him to go I'm scared
Paige:I know it's going be ok
He winks at me and blows me a kiss and then leaves
I just cry and cry in Paige's shirt
Ace:bro he is literally just a whore
Paige:come on
We go upstairs

                               The next Morning
Thomas:how you feeling
Me:I didn't even sleep good if I'm not lieing
Jacob:it's going he ok he is only gone for 3 months
Me:I know it's tough tho
They hug me and ace comes down and he leaves them I see some brown headed girl
Ace:omg bbg hey
I roll my eyes and go to my room

Skip to 3 months
Thomas pov
Jacob:he is coming back to day
Me:I know he is surprising her at the restaurant
Jacob:ok les go Bailey
My pov
We get to the restaurant and all the guys but ace are like on there phones I'm not sure why tho
Jacob:Bailey turn around
I turn around and see my bubs
Me:omg bubs
I run and literally jump on me
I kiss him
Ace rolls his eyes
Me:I missed you so much
We sit down and everyone stop recording
Thomas:bro she said she said  she couldn't sleep  without you
I kicked him right in the leg
Rylan looks at me and smiles
We all finally get home and I post on insta



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Caption:I love him sm so happy he his home
Comments on

Hater67:bro she ugly
No I'm not you must be looking in the mirror

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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