The Ice Pick's Pupil

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(Header by Gubblenub on DeviantArt, Twitter, and Pixiv)

Over a year and a half has passed since Lycaska fought Maxai. As promised, Maxai began teaching Lycaska the sport of kickboxing. Lycaska would learn that there is more to the sport than she ever imagined. She discovers a whole host of different styles of kickboxing and the arts that it originates from, human and daemon alike. One particular style catches her attention, a lesser known martial art called as Lethwei. The art is characterized by its very loose set of rules and the brutality of its fights. In a traditional Lethwei match, gloves are prohibited, there is no scoring, no judges, and the only way to win is by knockout. Everything about it seems contradictory to Lycaska's personality. However, the utilization of feet, elbows, knees, and even the head peak her interest. She decided at that moment to learn Lethwei.

Unfortunately, Maxai isn't very familiar with this style of kickboxing and is limited in her capacity to teach Lycaska

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Unfortunately, Maxai isn't very familiar with this style of kickboxing and is limited in her capacity to teach Lycaska. This is when human operative and trainer, Bennett Bradshaw, aka "BB", stepped in. Though he's more of a Muay Thai fighter, BB knows a fair amount of Lethwei, including some of its traditions. With their combined tutorage, Lycaska flourishes. However, to be sure of her progression, the three agree to a kickboxing match.

It's a snowy late winter evening in 1999 AD; the only people in the KIG gymnasium are staff members. Lycaska, Maxai, and BB are upstairs negotiating the rules for the upcoming match when a lone figure enters the gym. The figure is dressed in uniform with the standard winter coat. Their face is obscured by the hood on their head. Regardless, staff members immediately recognize who it is and stop what they're doing

"At ease.", the mystery person calmly says. "I have business upstairs.". The figure slowly makes their way up the stairs.

"You sure you're okay with elbows?", asks Lycaska.

"Yeah, of course.", answers Maxai. "We didn't spend all that time sparring for nothing.".

"What about round length?", BB asks. "Two minutes sound good?".

"Yeah, three rounds, two minutes.", Maxai answers. "Just a quick match.".

"Fighting a professional for six minutes is more than enough for me.", smiles Lycaska.

"Heh, but why no headbutts, Ms. Lethwei?", jests Maxai. Lycaska looks at Maxai's horn.

"I think you know why.", Lycaska playfully replies. Maxai laughs, but then notices the mystery figure coming towards them and quickly stands in attention.

"Senior Officer Nach, ma'am!". Lycaska and BB see the figure and do the same.

"Senior Officer Nach, ma'am!", the two say simultaneously.

"Senior Officer Nach, ma'am!", the two say simultaneously

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