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(Header by @Olympia38896043 on Twitter)

It's midsummer 2009 AD, a day after another failed mission to takedown the rogue daemon hunters, Antonio and Felix, that claimed the lives of veteran operatives, Bapfon and Jaevon, and paralyzed Operative Balty from the waist down. Lycaska's heart sank when she heard the news; she was dreading this day for a long time. She scrambles to the infirmary the next chance she got.

"Balty!", she shouts as she burst through the double doors.

"Over here, Ly!", Balty waves. Lycaska dashes over to his bed and hugs him tightly, sobbing.

"Woah, heheh, take it easy, Ly. I'm still recovering here.", Balty smiles as he pats Lycaska's back.

"Yes, Operative Balty still needs plenty of time to rest.", the human nurse standing beside Balty's bed interjects. "We did the best we could, but it's a tossup if he'll ever walk again.".

"S-sorry, what happened?", Lycaska asks while releasing her grasp on Balty.

"Those rogues.", Balty replies."They got us good, Ly. Thank the spirits Nina was there. That girl saved my life. Sadly, Bap and Jae weren't so lucky.". Lycaska tries to fight back her sorrow.

"It's okay, Ly, let it out. I'm here for you.", Balty reassures Lycaska as he reaches his arms out to her. "Nurse Johnson, can you give us a moment?".

"Of course, Balty.", the nurse answers as she leaves to give the lycans some privacy. The two hug as Lycaska sobs into Balty's shoulders.

"There there, Ly, things are going to get better, I promise you.", Balty tells Lycaska as he pats her back again. "It's a shame we won't get to leave together though. With this injury, my days in the KIG are numbered.".

"That doesn't matter, I'm just thankful you're alive and safe.", Lycaska says while wiping away her tears. "We will meet again soon enough and live out the rest of our lives together.".

"Thanks, Ly, but I hope you like pushing a wheelchair around.", Balty jests.

"You will walk again, Balty, I guarantee it.".

"You're truly a treasure, Ly.", Balty smiles. They embrace again. "Thanks for checking in on me, but you should really go see Nina. This whole thing really hit her hard.".

"Will do.", Lycaska compiles. "Let me know when you get out. We can hang out a bit before you leave for good.".

"No problem.". Lycaska makes her leave. Moments later, Senior Officer Kivolka Nach enters the infirmary and heads towards Balty's bed, crossing paths with Lycaska along the way.

"Senior Officer Nach, ma'am!", Lycaska formally greets.

"At ease, Trainer Lycaska, what brings you here?", asks Kivolka.

"Oh, just checking on Balty, ma'am.".

"Really? I was just about to debrief him on the mission. How is he holding up?".

"He seems in good spirits, but they're not sure he'll ever walk again.".

"I see, thank you for the information. Perhaps under more optimum circumstances, we can continue your training.". Kivolka has been training Lycaska for over a decade now. At this point, it's less about actual training and more about just spending time together.

"Okay. Hey, ma'am, have you seen Nina around?".

"I had a debriefing with her earlier. I would suggest leaving her be for the time being. Oh and before I forget, I know you and Balty are really close, so on behalf of the Director and my fellow S.O.s, I apologize for the pain and suffering our mismanagement of this mission has caused you both.".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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