Chapter Two

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Garfield's frustration grew with each passing day. It seemed that the initial excitement and thrill of college life were quickly fading away, replaced by the harsh reality of sleep deprivation and mounting academic pressure.

The previous night had been yet another sleepless one for Garfield. Victor's thunderous snores echoed through the room, preventing any chance of a restful slumber. Garfield had tried everything from earplugs to burying his head under the pillow, but the noise was relentless, gnawing away at his sanity.

As the morning alarm blared loudly, Garfield groaned, feeling as though he had just closed his eyes moments ago. He watched through bleary eyes as Victor, seemingly unfazed by the lack of sleep, rose from his bed and reached for the alarm clock. The athlete's disciplined routine carried on, as he proceeded to whip up his pungent protein shake in the noisy blender. The sound grated on Garfield's already frayed nerves, exacerbating his exhaustion.

Once the concoction was ready, Victor wasted no time in launching into an intense two-hour workout session. The rhythmic grunts and thuds reverberated through the room, an unwelcome soundtrack to Garfield's struggle for a few moments of tranquility. He marveled at Victor's seemingly boundless energy and wondered how the football star could maintain such a rigorous schedule without sacrificing sleep or well-being.

Garfield realized college was not the glamorous and carefree experience he had envisioned. While having Victor as a friend provided some relief from bullies and enhanced his social standing, the athlete's tightly regimented life was taking a toll on Garfield's own well-being. The lack of proper sleep began to affect his ability to concentrate and absorb the increasingly complex course material.

With each passing day, the challenges of college life seemed to compound, leaving Garfield feeling overwhelmed and disillusioned. The initial excitement and sense of adventure were gradually replaced by a sense of struggle and frustration. The need for rest and academic success clashed with the demands of socializing and navigating the college party scene.

Garfield couldn't help but question if his expectations had been too high. The reality of college life was proving to be far more demanding and exhausting than he had anticipated. As he gazed at the pile of textbooks and assignments awaiting his attention, he couldn't help but wonder if he would find a way to strike a balance between his academic aspirations and the chaos of campus life.


"Mr. Logan!" The professor yelled, his voice echoing through the lecture hall, startling Garfield awake.

"I'm up!" Garfield said quickly, sitting up at his desk. Disoriented, he quickly looked around, only to sheepishly recoil in his seat at the realization that he had once again falling asleep in class.

"Mr. Logan, this is the third time this week you've fallen asleep in my class." The professor said angerly.

Garfield let out a heavy sigh. "I know and-"

"I don't want to hear any more of your excuses. Get your act together before you completely fail my class." The professor ordered before addressing the rest of the students. "Class dismissed."

The professor's stern words intensified Garfield's feelings of frustration and self-doubt. He had genuinely wanted to succeed in college, to prove himself academically and make his adopted father proud. However, it seemed like he was struggling to keep up with the rigorous demands of the courses.

With a heavy sigh Garfield gathered his belongings slowly, avoiding eye contact with his classmates who were likely judging his lack of focus. He couldn't help but question his abilities and wonder if he was truly cut out for college.

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