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"Either that or your hand in marriage."

Scarlett was speechless. Part of her hoped that she heard her father wrong or that she was in some sort of nightmare. "What?" She whispered. Her once confident tone was completely gone as she felt her heart sink into the depths of her stomach. Her palms grew sweaty and dread filled her cheat as she replayed her father's words in her head. 

"We are in no place to repay his debts," The king looked up and saw her unchanged expression of shock and continued, "Scarlett, think of the kingdom and the people." She wasn't sure what bothered her the most, the fact that her father gave her hand away without her permission, or that he was completely unbothered with her marrying one of the most notorious men alive. "We simply have no choice."

"We?" She scoffed, finding her confidence again as anger cruised through her veins. She firmly placed her palms on the table as she stood up angrily, hoping that it would give her some support. "There is no "we" father. This is the first time you're speaking to me in over a decade, and it's to inform me that you offered my hand in marriage to a stranger without my permission?" It took every fiber in her body to speak in a calm tone and not yell in frustration.

"Stop being dramatic, Scarlett." Her father snapped. "It is your responsibility as a princess to protect your people and your kingdom, and that is exactly what you are going to do."

"You can't possibly be serious." She rolled her eyes. She felt sick to her stomach just thinking about it.

"Watch your mouth girl." His father spat. "I will not tolerate your disrespect."

"How can you be okay with me being wed to such a monster, especially without my knowing!" She was growing more vivid by the minute. Her father threw her a glare from across the table as if he had any right to be at this moment.

"It is your du-

"No, it is not!" She cut her father off mid-sentence and got up abruptly from her seat, fueled with determination. "You've had me locked up in the castle for years, and suddenly you're concerned with performing royal duties?"

"Scarlett." He snapped in a warning tone. Indicating to her that she was treading dangerous waters. "I've made it clear that the choice is not yours. I already made the decision."

"You don't have the right to make such a decision." Her voice cracked as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "You have been absent from my life for the last sixteen years, and now you think you have the right to make such a decision?" She croaked out, trying her best to stop her tears from falling. She refused to cry in front of her father. 

Her words seemed to have triggered her father even more. He slammed his fist on the table loudly and stood up as well. "THAT IS ENOUGH! I AM YOUR FATHER AND YOU AS I SAY. YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED TO THE KING AND THAT IS FINAL!"

Scarlett was completely lost for words. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, filling her ears as the room was completely silent. She and he father continued to stare at each other, him in anger, and her, in shock. Finally, after what seemed like forever, her father sighed and took his seat again.

"The king will arrive tomorrow night for dinner. I expect you to be on your best behavior and dress accordingly." He couldn't even meet her tear-filled eyes as he slowly began to eat his food. His voice held no remorse or sympathy, which angered her even more.

"You're a monster." She choked and turned on her heel and rushed out of the room, not bothering to spare her father another glance. The hurt was too much for her to bear. How dare he do such a thing to her? She was his only daughter. Here, he was telling her that it was her duty to protect her people when he failed his first duty, protecting his daughter. Instead, he was willing to give her away as if she meant nothing to him.

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