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You clutched Joel's hand like it was the only thing tethering him to this world. He looked terrible. His eyes had sunken into his skull and his skin had taken on a sickly grey palette, glittering with sweat in the low light of the ward. It had taken several gruelling hours to remove the infected tissue and repair the damage the baseball bat had done to his stomach. You and Tommy had sat there and waited, each painful hour that went by leading to your dread increasing tenfold.

Then when you were convinced that the worst had happened.

The doctor had come and fetched you both.

You had been led to a small room where Joel had been set up for observation. The doctor informed you that they wanted to keep a close eye on him for the next twenty-four hours before they were comfortable putting him in the general ward.

That was four days ago.

Now you were just willing the man you loved to fight. Each day you were told the same thing.

"He's no worse... But he's not any better either."

You had lost count of how much you had pleaded with the man to come back to you. Your heart hurt with each hour he remained unresponsive. He had been pumped with as much antibiotics as the small hospital could spare and now it was all down to him.

"Ellie's started school." You piped up after a while "Already made a few friends but there's one she's constantly rattling on about." You chortled as you stood to plump his pillows a little and adjust his blanket "Some girl called Dina... Seems really taken with her.

"It's nice to see." You finished as you smooth his hair back and leant down to kiss his brow.

You jumped when you felt his brow draw together a little. Your eyes widened as you pulled back to look at him better. Sure enough, he sported a small frown.

"Joel?" You called as you cupped his face "Joel can you hear me?"

He didn't respond.

Instead, his whole body went rigid and your stomach sank. This wasn't him waking up. This was something else completely.

"HELP." You screamed as Joel's body started to thrash violently "PLEASE." You sobbed as you fought to keep the man on the gurney.

Hands then pulled you away as the doctor and some nurses took over.

"Come with me." Said a kind voice and you allowed the owner to guide you away from Joel and into the dreaded waiting room you had already spent much time in.

"Why won't he get better?" You sobbed as she guided you to a chair "I just want him to fight."

"He was very sick when he arrived here." The kind voice replied, "The doctor did everything he can to remove the infection but it reached his bloodstream." She sighed as she rubbed your back in an attempt to soothe your hiccuping cries "We have given him all the medicine we can spare and hopefully the latest supply run will bring some more but hun, even then this fight is down to him."

"I just... I just thought that with the medicine, he would just turn that corner and get better."

"Everyone hopes for that sweetie." The kind voice cooed "But unfortunately, it doesn't always go that way."

You nodded numbly. Giving her a weak smile as you looked up at her.

"I'll come and get you when he's stable." She finished before giving you a sympathetic smile.

Then, you were left alone to wait again. Tommy walked in a short while later and saw you sitting in the waiting room. His face then sported the same frown that Joel wore, it was obviously a family trait.

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