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You burst through the hospital doors in time to witness Tommy pleading with the doctor to give Joel the medicine he so desperately needed

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You burst through the hospital doors in time to witness Tommy pleading with the doctor to give Joel the medicine he so desperately needed. Since you'd seen the older Miller last, violent shivering had taken up residency permanently. However, what surprised you more was the fact that he was conscious again. His brown eyes peeked through slits as he turned his head to look at you, a weak hand lifting ever so slightly as if attempting to reach for you.

"The supply party are dead." You announced as you moved closer to the commotion.

"I am aware." The doctor replied grimly, his eyes flitting between you and Tommy "I'm sorry but with our chance at replenishing our stores now up in smoke, I cannot risk using the last of the antibiotics we have. Not until more can be found."

"Look at him!" Tommy yelled as he pointed at his brother.

Your eyes followed the doctors and you choked on a sob at the sight that greeted you. His body seemed to levitate from how violently he shook. You knew he was running out of time and fast now. That medicine was his last hope.

You heard your name fall from Joel's lips and you practically sprinted to his side, grabbing his hand and holding it firmly against your chest. Giving the man a weak smile, you started to stroke back the sweat-slick hair that was stuck to be brow and prayed that the motion would bring him some small quantity of comfort.

"I-mm-mm s-s-so-rrr-y." He stuttered through chattering teeth, his eyes widening a little so he could look at you better.

"Shhh." You hushed him "Save your strength, Miller."

"Mm-mm d-dd-dy-y-ing." He said and you simply shook your head at him.

"No, you're not Miller!" You said with what you hoped was a convincing tone "You're going to make it. You hear me?!" You continued as you cupped his flushed cheek "You and I have some unfinished business to attend to."

This statement made Joel chuckle a little. His eyes almost sparkled as he gazed at you with what you could have sworn was love. It made your heart race to think that this man loved you. That he felt even a little bit more for you than just two people who warmed each other's beds.

"You're going to get better and then we are going to settle down in that house that Tommy gave us." You said softly as you returned to stroking his hair.

"Mmm." He hummed, closing his eyes and smiling as he thought about your statement for a moment.

"We'll raise Ellie together. We'll cook together. We'll find a guitar and you can play and sing to me whilst I read all the books in that house."

"S-s-sing t-to th-the baby." He said almost wistfully and your head shot back.

"Joel... we lost the baby."

Joel's expression grew sad. His eyes remained closed as he silently wept, tears falling from the corners of his eyes as he started to shake again. It had seemed that the small fantasy you had given him had called him for a moment. Taken away a little bit of his suffering.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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