Bonus: Heavy Flow

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(y/n's on her period, and Optimus does his best to comfort her) RID 2015: but op is a more relaxed bot,less stoic. Reader is 21 in this story. (Song above used in fic, you'll know where to play it when you get there.)

This goes to all my ladies being visited by the devil sponge, Flo, the devil's waterfall, whatever you nickname your period. Keep staying strong girls, we're in this together!

(P.S. I wrote most of this while on my period, let's gooo) 


A lot has happened these past few years.

Optimus and his team departed to Cybertron, and Ratchet watched the human group grow. Shortly after, I found a stable job that I've been proud of now for some time: long-distance trucking.

Yeah, okay, maybe those long drives with Optimus inspired me to do this job.

I kept in touch with Jack, Miko, and Raph as these years went by. Though their lives grew busy, as did mine. It was only a week into my trucking job when I got the news from Ratchet.

He saved his planet. He did what he had to do.

He was one with the Allspark.

I cried heavily that night, as soon as the call ended. I clutched onto my steering wheel and bawled while I was taking my mandatory break at a truck stop.

I decided to nickname my truck Orion's Constellation (Real original I know) in his honor.

3 years went by. I now drive a short-distance area, covering a few states. I've moved away from Nevada.

But what I didn't expect was to run into Bumblebee's team, and.. him.

Yeah, I cried a river when we recognized each other. I gave his leg a hug, and he bent down to cover a servo over me. He was glad to see me too.

I met the team:

Strongarm, Sideswipe, Grimlock, Drift & his mini cons, Windblade, Danny and Russell.

This group was a lot more rambunctious than Prime's team, but I was happily excited to be with them for the time being.

...and of course as we're driving back to their base my period starts. And I only have one pad on me. Hurrah.

It's afternoon as we're driving down the highway. I'm sitting in the driver's seat when I feel it.

I shift around in my seat a few times before OP notices the pattern.


Even after all this time he still knows my littlest habits.

I sighed. "Um, Optimus?" I speak carefully, as I know the other bots can hear all of us going down the road.

Before I can finish my thought however, I start to feel a little woozy. This isn't from the car ride as I never get carsick.

 "Something's wrong, isn't it?"

I take a deep breath to counter it, and slowly lean my head against the window. I'm not sure if he remembers the code phrase for it. But then again, he noticed something was off about my shifting patterns.

I sigh again, my invisible breath hitting his driver's window.

"I know we just reunited, but it had other plans."

Optimus immediately recognized the conversion's subject.

"Code red?"

Yep, that was the phrase we used in whispers.

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