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(In the future)

"You can't go. Even if your mother was kidnapped, you can not go. It's too dangerous." Lion says from her throne. "You'll get killed. I don't want that happening. Okay? I can't lose you..." She murmured. I want to listen to her, but memories of my mother flood back into my mind. I start to get frustrated as I try to make my decision; go to find my mother, or stay here while she's possibly being tortured for information on the battle plans, or where we will advance.

"Hey, it's okay," Lion says softly, "I can send some of my soldiers out to get her. Please don't do anything stupid." I nod, but I've already made my decision. It would take too long for the Mountain Dragon Army to get sorted and ready.

The sun has just set, and only a little bit of light shines over the plains. Tears stream down my face. It's not often a dragon will cry. I look back at the door to my room. It seemed so easy earlier, to just run away and find my mother, but now that I'm actually here, it's a lot harder. Memories tie me to this place. But it's time to let go. I don't feel safe here. I'm not sure what Lion will do next, but she seems bent on taking over the Air Kindom. I turn back to the window, then take a deep breath. I put my head through, then my neck, shoulders, wings, and tail, then I'm flying toward the Mountain-Air border before I have time change my mind.

I've been flying for hours. I can tell by the position of the moon. My wings ache, my mind is tired, and all I want to do is curl up and sleep. That's probably what I would've done if I hadn't kept thinking of my mother, her sweet smile... I hope she's still alive when I get there. After a few minutes, I land behind a big Boulder. I close my eyes, and I'm immediately asleep.

I wake up to shouting. "There! Look! The Mountain Dragon Queen's friend! Get her!" One of them yells. I jump up and stretch my wings. They're only a few hundred meters away from me. I turn and start flying, away from the Air Kindom and towards the Blade Kingdom. I soar through the air as fast as my sore wings will carry me. Huge gusts of wind from the Air soldier's wings keep blowing me off coarse, and since I'm already exhausted from last night, I'm much slower than usual. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I think of Lion on her throne, smiling at me. I should've listened to her. Now look at me. There's still heaps of distance between me and the Blade Kingdom. I won't make it. I won't make it. The Air Dragon soldiers are gaining on me. Sharp claws dog into my tail as one of them grabs it and yanks me back. "NO!" I cry frantically. 'Lion... I'm so sorry.' I think as a searing pain rips through my skull.

It's dark here, with only a small window for light. I have metal wrapped around my snout, probably so I don't chew their faces off with my venomous teeth. The cell I'm in is very small. I barely even have any room to turn around. My head hurts badly, and I can see dried blood on my shoulder. I'm scared. I don't l own if I'll even make it out of here. Maybe I should've let Lion's army rescue my mother. I wonder what Lion is thinking right now. Maybe she misses me, or maybe she's just glad I'm gone. I'm such a burden to her, I bet she's hated me her whole life. I'm just some desperate dragoness who wants friends. I start crying again as more of these thoughts invade my mind. I lay back down and cry myself back to sleep.

"Here's your food." A disinterested sounding voice brings me out of the haze of memories and nightmares I was in. I open my eyes and see a silvery dragon with black eyes staring down at me. Their eyes aren't completely black, thoug. They seem to have flecks of green, purple, and blue through them. "What?" They ask. I shake my head. They lean down and take the metal of from around my snout, then quickly jump back, worried that I'll bite them. They put a bowl of water on the ground as well, thensteps back to the door until I finish eating. It's creepy, and it sends chills down my spine. When I'm done eating and drinking, they put the metal back on my snout. "You never should've come here, Mountain Dragon." They snarl, as if they doubt I've already thought that a thousand times.

Two days later, guards in full armor come to my cell and drag me out. I'm too tired to fight. They led me down winding hallways and corridors, past the throne room and the kitchens, and out a doorway onto some stage. Hundreds of dragons are watching intently, their dark eyed boring into my skull, anticipating. The guards lead me to the side of the stage, and then attach my chains to the floor. When they are satisfied, they turn and walk back down the corridor. They return a few minutes later with a malnourished gray dragon. That dragon is my mother. I sob as she looks at me, horror on her face as her child stares back. The guards yank her over to the other side of the stage and chain her down to the floor. This process is repeated multiple times with dragons from different tribes. Ice Dragons, Feather Wings, Blade Dragons. I'm not thinking of them, though. I'm thinking of my mother, and Lion, and everything I've left behind. A Feather Wing next to me puts their tail over my own, and looks at me with tears down their cheeks, making the feathers darker with moisture. Thunder rumbles and lighting flashes as rain starts to poor from the sky in a fierce storm. Soon, everybody is soaked from head to tail, and I'm shivering from the cold. The door to the corridor opens once again, and a dragon walks out. It's the same one from a few days ago, I realize. They walk to the front of the stage, glance around, and then begin speaking.

"Hello everybody. Thank you all for coming here today," Their voice booms, demanding everyone's attention, "We have some very special dragons here, along with th regular. Both of the Mountain Dragons are very important. Can anyone guess who they are?" They ask. The crowd starts yelling, and I can make out a few guesses: "The queen's slave!"
"No, her gardener!"
"Chief of staff!"
"General of the army!" They yell.
"SILENCE!" The dragon yells. "She is the queen's best friend," They say while pointing at me, "And she," They point to my mother, "Is one of the army generals, and they both deserve to die for slaughtering our soldiers and citizens alike!" The crowd starts yelling again, some flapping their wings and other roaring. "SHUT UP!" The dragon screams again. The crowd does, indeed, shut up. "We will kill all the dragons chained to this stage, right here, all for you," As they say this, guards step forward and pull out long, curved blades. "We will spill their blood as a punishment for their crimes," The guards put the blades over the dragons' throats. "And they shall never cause pain to any of our dragons, ever again!" And the blades cut into their throats. Goodbye, world. 'I'm so, so sorry, Lion.' Was the last thing I thought before everything went dark.

Dayum, this took ages. I'm rewriting this story cos heaps of chapters are WAY too short, and it annoyed me, so yeaaaa. Also I hate phone keyboards so ignore random ass letters in the wrong places cos the letters are too small lmfao

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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