The Changes of Time

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It has been a couple months since my family arrived in the Metkayina village, and they were thriving. My siblings were learning the ways of the reef people very fast, my parents as well. I could see them grow to love this place and that made me happy. Not to say I am not happy, but I could feel something was missing. After my revelation about my small crush on the chief's daughter, I distanced myself. At first it was easy, leaving before she got to our pod, arriving after my siblings were finished training. But as time went on, it got increasingly harder to avoid her. Whether it was because I miss seeing her, or she would end up looking for me, I had to resort to other measures to hide. 

Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't like her, or want to try with her. It is because of our lives. She is to be the next Tsahik. I am just an outsider. One that, yes, has proven herself to the people of this land, but also one that they may never accept in a leadership role. So I kept my distance. Focused on my training. All was going well, I was mastering the waters exceedingly fast. Ronal and Tonowari took a strong liking to me, I spent a lot of my time with them, even away from training. But that also meant I was away from my family more. 

I knew my parents felt it, the distance I put between myself and everyone. I was home less, talked less, and even smiled less than before. My mother understood, it did not take her long to figure out my crush, or why I was staying away. She understood me, she raised me. She knew that I did it because of the people, to give Tsireya a chance at a more normal love life. She knows because she would have done the same when she was my age, before my father came along. So she never pushed me to do anything, she just supported me silently, and I love her even more for it.

My father however, tried too hard. I know he doesn't understand and that is hard on him. Why his eldest daughter, the one that followed in his footsteps growing up, suddenly stopped in her tracks, leaving him to walk on. Making him think she hates him, or doesn't want to be around him. But I don't hate him, I just do not have the strength to explain. Explain that I still love them both more than ever, but that I am just... tired. Tired from running, tired from training... tired of being the first born.

It was exhausting, training day-in, day-out, only to be accepted into a clan where I have to watch someone I want to be with, live her own life. And although my parents noticed my change, my siblings did not. Sure, they noticed I was not around as much, but they did not think anything of it, just that I was busy. Which lead to my brother and Tsireya becoming closer, and Kiri and Tuk finding comfort in the water. Neteyam, who used to follow me as I followed our father, stepped in front of me, taking my place in line as I fell behind. I did not mind though, I am happy that they are happy. But it only further pushed me to isolate myself.

Which leads me to why I am currently in the tree tops, laying on Kxitx's back, watching the stars. This is the only place no-one has found me yet. Over the months, I would find new places to hide, only for Kiri to find me, or Tsireya. But my family did not ride their Ikrans as much anymore, so I knew I was safe here. Safe to get lost in my own mind. Safe to lose to my emotions when I couldn't fight them anymore...

"Rey'eng?!" My name being called brought me out of my thoughts, but I did not move. Where Kxitx was laying on the trees, I knew we could not be spotted except from above. And I knew whose voice it was as well, one I have been longing for. "Rey'eng! Are you here?" I hear her ask, but nothing leaves my lips. Kxitx had grown used to me running to her for an escape, so she never gave it away when I was hiding. Back in the forest, she would have tattled in a heartbeat. Now, however, she could feel what I was feeling, and like my mother, silently supported me.

"Rey'eng!....please..." I could hear her voice crack as she changed from shouting to talking, filling my eyes with water. She then spoke just loud enough for me to hear, "I miss you..." It was quiet for a moment longer as I held my breath. Then, I hear her turn and walk away, back towards the village, and I let a single tear roll down my cheek. I knew that she knew where I was, but not specifically where. Which is why she comes here and just yells out to me, and all I can do is listen.

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