~ {Please read first!!} ~

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This is my very first book that I have wrote on this app and in general, so I hope you like it. This story is inspired by a book I read call "bridge to Terabithia" it's a bit obvious it is too. Full credit to the author who wrote the story they are Katherine Peterson go read her book she is awesome. Also the art is not mine I just found it on google credit goes to the original owner!

Important Ish info about my work and just things I want you to know: 

- I support and am a part of the LGBTQ+ community 

-No arguing in the comments please

-Don't like my stories just don't read them

- just don't be an asshole to anyone this is a place for fanfiction (but you shouldn't be an asshole outside this app either way)

- I would like feedback just don't criticize every single small mistake please (well you can but I just prefer you didn't)

- You can ask me questions through comments but there are specific questions I won't be answering for obvious reasons (privacy)

- I'll try to post as much as I can which will consist of only the weekends and holidays for right now

- This is a safe place for littles and age regressors

- go check out @LGBTQIA_safety_sheep there based off letting people learn about sexualities and genders so check them out if you are interested in learning new LGBTQ+ labels or if you are unsure about your sexualities and gender identity and want to know/explore the community to better yourselves and understand others they are an incredible writer

- go check out @FidgetGod if you like transformers prime! They have ships, funny moments, and some angst they are a very good writer

-Go check out @oliverLikesCats22 they write stories on the dream smp mostly tommyinnit they are an amazing writer please go check them out.

- Go check out @Kittymasterofall14 they are entirely based on teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012 they are an extremely creative writer they are one of the reasons I decided to write fanfiction so shout out to them they are awesome and a very sweet writer

I hope you like the story!



Word count: 365

The bridge to l'moonbergWhere stories live. Discover now