~{One}~Thomas kraken Simons

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Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Chu, Chu, Chu, Chu-- Good. Phil had the launch pad ready. Tommy slowly but surely looked out the window and saw the pad lowering down while Phil is on it his wings out in a ready position with his Sachel around his shoulders. The pad suddenly launched upward with a loud crack of fireworks and making Phil go flying, and his wings fluttered and flapped, trying to gain control of the situation. Tommy watched as Phil flew away towards the coffee shop, he stops by every morning before work when Phil was out of sight. Tommy was able to get up. He slid out of his bed and into his jeans and a shirt. He didn't bother to put shoes on because the bottom of his feet were by now tough as hell.

"Where are you going, Tommy?" Ranboo lifted his head up sleepily from the pillow of the bunk bed where he and Fundy slept. "Shut up" Tom whispered. The walls were thin. Kristen would be all pissy if he woke her up this early in the morning especially when she has to get up for work in a couple of hours. "Go back to bed boob boy" tommy said in a whisper and a scowl as he lifted his raccoon tail and plopped it on ranboos head in an attempt to make him want to go back to sleep. Ranboo seemed to get the message because he pulled his covers back up to his shoulder and plopped his head back down. Tommy's tail silently moved away from ranboos head, and Tommy's scowl left his face. " Just over the cow field," the blonde whispered to the endermen. Ranboo smiled as he snuggled under the covers and let out a soft purr. tommy snorted, and ranboo turned a bright pink. He was embarrassed. In an attempt to salvage the little dignity, he had left ranboo decided to change the subject " going to run again?" "Fucking of course I am".

He had gotten up every day all summer to run. tommy figured if he worked and holy shit he worked he would be the fastest kid in 5th grade when school started again. He had to be the fastest - not one of the fastest or next to the fastest but the fastest. The very best. He tiptoed out of his shared room down the stairs, through the living room and kitchen towards the door and outside onto the Paddio. Tommy looked back inside the house passed the kitchen and rolled his eyes as he saw the 'live, laugh, love" sign hung up in the living room "fucking Tories" Tommy whispered to himself. Of course, he got himself fostered by these fucks although they aren't as bad as tommy originally thought.

Tommy's only been with the Minecraft's for about 4 months, he still isn't sure about the place, they fostered and adopted Fundy 2 years ago, Ranboo's only been here for a year techno got fostered and then adopted by them 4 years ago and Wilbur is Kristen's biological son while Phil is his stepdad. Tommy isn't close to any of them I mean come on he is in a house with a hog (techno), a fox (Fundy), an endermen (ranboo), a human (wilbur) and two crows (Phil and Kristen). Why would he be close to any of them? Well, ranboo is OK the guy basically worships him which is an exaggeration he just follows Tommy around a lot, but it feels like he worships him for tommy anyway. When you were the new kid, it sucked ass, so it was nice to talk to someone even if they were a bit annoying. Especially when the oldest (techno) ignored him, the second oldest (Wilbur) hated him for some reason and the middle child (Fundy) didn't give two shits about him it was nice that the second youngest (ranboo) cared. Phil was busy with work so tommy has no clue if he cared or even liked him, and Kristen cared about him at least tommy thinks she does.

He began to trot across the yard and hopped the fence into the cow field. "Moo-oo" the cow spoke as if to say, "Hi how are you"? "Aww hi Henry" Tommy said in a soft tone and started petting the cow. Tommy started to walk over to the troth holding the cow food. Empty. "Of course, it is" tommy muttered he's the only one in this gods fucking place that feeds him and the other cows! He walked over to the paddock and grabbed a food bag and started to refill the troth he tossed the empty bag in a random direction and watched proudly as all the cows including Henry started to eat. he walked over to the other troth holding their water. It's also empty but Tommy shouldn't expect anything else from those bastards still sleeping in the house. He walked over and turned the handle then picked up the hose and dragged it over to the troth and started the process of refilling it once he finished, he put the hose back and turned the handle to stop the water. As he came back around, he saw half the cows drinking the water the other half was eating. Good.

Now to start the whole reason he came out here. He always started at the northwest corner of the field he wasn't sure why it just felt right. "bang" he said and took off flying around the cow field. henry was watching him tracking tommy with his eyes like a radar all the cows were actually they don't look smart, but they are I mean there smart enough to stay out of Tommy's way. His golden blonde hair flapped hard against his forehead his arms and legs flew out every which way tommy was tall as hell for his age and tommy knew it his tallness helped with his running. He ran around the paddock 4 times, and he's tried his best to keep the same pace. He was doing well for himself. Until.

"TOMMY GET YOUR ASS BACK INSIDE" Wilbur shouted at the top of his lungs from the front door looking out at Tommy. Tommy stopped running. Fuck he was out to long now everyone will know he has been running and give him shit for smelling like literal shit. which is something he sure as hell didn't want to Be bitched at for.


Fucking hell.


I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm going to start on the second chapter sometime this week I'm not sure specifically, but I just know I'm not starting on it today because I'm going to a festival with my mom and brother, so I'll be tired as hell by the time I get home so apologies. Goodbye! I hope you like the story!

word count: 1143.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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