Competition (Kwon Ji Yong )

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"I really don't know." She said not meeting my eyes.

I let out a sigh and then finished my juice. I was getting really frustrated and digging deep for patience. I did not like being lied to.

"Look maybe this was a bad idea." She began as she put half of her unfinished sandwich in the plastic bag.

"What?" I turned to face her wondering what the hell she was talking about.

She placed both hands at her sides knuckles going white as they curled over the edge of the bench. She leaned forward slightly and took a deep breath.

"I feel like I am bringing bad luck into your life. You should just be enjoying a successful tour right now. Not having to buy me an entire new wardrobe, be embarassed by my drunk behavior and now your storage unit got broken into. Its only been two days maybe we shouldn't work together, you know, just part ways. Most of the clothes still have tags and I will pay you back for the plane ticket..."

I scoffed and shook my head, anger in my voice. "You're kidding right? Part ways?" Her green eyes finally met mine again. "We had a deal. I already rsvp'd for fashion week. I made contacts for you to meet some of the most elite designers in the business. You take this oppertunity and network it could set you up for life." I grabbed her soft hand my voice calming. "I was going to take you as my plus two. That way you could have the exposure your work deserves." I had already imagined her beside me. It pained me that the excited smile I was expecting with this news was a frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked trying to read her.

"I can't go to fashion week with you."

"What? Why?!"

"I'm sorry. I just can't. "

"Solace why are you passing this up? You're not making any sense. "

Her eyes pleaded with me and her voice wavered. " Please understand that I just can't go without me having to explain why? Maybe you should take Kiko with you!"

I dropped her hand and stood up from the bench. A look of concern crossed her face as her eyes followed me. I felt the sun hot against my back and my temper flaring with it. "You want me to go to fashion week with my ex girlfriend?" I said slowly with an eerie calm.

"I uh, I just thought you would have fun with her. You guys looked like you were having a nice time at the party."

Of course we did we probably looked like a couple in love that night. But the words that came out of my mouth behind those closed glass doors were spiteful and filled with hate. Kiko had done a lot of horrible things and now she was trying to get me back with blackmail so she could get her faltering career back on track. Because I didn't want to make a scene I had pulled her outside and told her to leave me the hell alone and stay out of my life while I tucked her hair out of her face and gave her a you can drop dead smile. She threatened my career and me personally when flirtatious tactics didn't work. That was when I pulled her in close under the pretense of a hug and told her in a low menacing whisper that we were over forever and that she would never ever get me back. Then I pulled out my cell showing her I was recording the entire conversation. Even with the intense argument that continued after that I was all smiles; because after this I would go find Solace and be with her. I was free of the demons Kiko had created in me and there was nothing she could do to hurt me anymore. If anything she was at my mercy.

Looking at Solace agitation surged throughout my entire body. Couldn't she see that I wanted to be with her? Didn't she remember how deeply we had kissed? My memories were still interlaced with her taste. Now she was trying to pawn me off on Kiko of all people?

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