III : Seeds

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The promise of learning about the cycle of life wasn't what had made Roseanne stay, really. It had been a good excuse, a way to buy time so she could negotiate with Lisa. She was certain Lisa was hiding something and was determined to figure out what it was, even if she had no idea how anything worked in the Underworld.

Roseanne thought she saw a sheepish smile on Lisa's face as they turned back toward the Styx, but the eerie silver light reflecting up onto their faces from the water made it difficult to tell. Lisa lifted her hand and Charon appeared.

"Roseanne is to have free passage over the river whenever she pleases," Lisa said sternly to him.

"Of course," Charon said, bowing his head, letting his mossy hair dangle limply as he did.

"And she is to have whatever comforts from above she pleases. Food, wine, clothing. You will arrange with Hermes for it to be brought as soon as she asks."

"Yes, Lisa," Charon said.

As he bowed, Roseanne was struck not by his subservience, but by his respect for Lisa. He was not bowing out of fear or duty. He was bowing because he felt serving Lisa was on honor. Had he not had such a fearsome countenance, Roseanne might have asked him why.

They traveled back over the river in silence, save for the faint underwater moans beneath them. Roseanne wondered if Lisa still heard them, or if she had grown so accustomed to them she didn't hear the noises of agony anymore. If that was the case, Lisa was every bit as heartless and cruel as Roseanne had heard.

Roseanne looked down into the silver waters, wondering how long the river was and if the souls were really there for eternity.

"They are not confined to the river. So long as they stay in Hades, they are free to move as they please," Lisa said, as though reading her thoughts.

Roseanne looked up at her, curious and startled. "So why do they stay in the water?"

Lisa looked down at the river, sadness weighing on her. "They don't know anything different."

Roseanne was puzzled. The Styx seemed a terrible fate, but she wondered what other options souls had. No doubt they were much less pleasant than floating through endless dark space.

"Are there other appealing options?"

Lisa's face lifted a fraction. "You'll see," she said patiently.

Remembering why she had agreed to stay in Hades in the first place, Roseanne shifted, clasping her arms over her front.

They reached the muddy black bank of the opposite shore and Lisa climbed out. She offered her hand to Roseanne, but Roseanne didn't take it. She felt Lisa's hospitality was somehow hollow and untrustworthy. She stepped out by herself, hearing her sandals squelch in the mud, and waited for Lisa to show her which direction to go.

Lisa brought her hand back toward herself and turned, leading Roseanne into the same darkness they'd journeyed before.

They had almost been swallowed up by the blackness when Roseanne felt something overcome her as quickly and dramatically as a cloud blowing over the moon. She felt heavy beyond the bounds of her body. She almost stumbled to the ground.

Lisa seemed to notice and looked back. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just a bit... tired..." Roseanne said, struggling to find words. She felt as though all the effort of carrying the soul had manifested in her body suddenly, or as though she'd been kept awake for a fortnight.

"Of course," Lisa said. "You should rest."

"Where?" Roseanne asked, blinking slowly. She could make out Lisa's shape in the dark, but not much else now.

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