Marrying Kind

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I didn't want to leave her, I felt so connected to her that I needed to be kissing her and inside her body and I tried to stay inside her all night long. I had to think about the children and how they might feel. I definitely need to see her again and before the New Years Eve party. I can't help myself, she's so beautiful and I want her to be mine and no one else's. I hope I am right about her being a one man kind of woman. Considering I am her first man I want to be her last as well. I have never felt this way before. Now I want to know about the children. I am sure it has something to do with her attackers. I think she's just trying to keep them safe and they look just like her, I can't find much on her on the internet. I never thought if looking up Ray Steele though. I give Jason the name as I walk off the elevator. Apparently Allison found out she wasn't getting the delivery from Caroline Acton and made a scene in front of the building and the cops were called. She was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, she must have tried to call me or Andrea. I see Andreas number and call her, I tell her that Allison is no longer allowed anything or anywhere and to not answer her calls because she's violent. She has proven herself to be a violent person. Jason is off looking into Ray Steele. When he disappeared he had three children and no wife, it made the news. His background check was wiped clean. No kids, no wife, nothing was there. We got a red screen warning. Which means stop looking period. Jason says this means Hyde was probably after Ray and Anastasia and she was hiding from them with the children who most likely her brother and sister.

I had someone follow Allison and they found she went to Thomas Lincoln's apartment. It wasn't the first time she had been there and Christian knew it as well. He stopped seeing her after they started seeing each other. There was no doubt they were having sex, so she broke their arrangement. He didn't cheat on her but she cheated on him regularly and lied about it. He found that she didn't check up on him at all. So he knew it was all about money and not him. Anastasia was a key witness along with her father against him. I checked other sources to find my information.

I can't believe that he cancelled everything and my purchase from Caroline Acton and she was instructed to cancel everything and I am not allowed to use his credit account again. She said if I wanted to purchase the items on my own then I would need to pay for them other than use mr Greys credit account. I went to Escala and couldn't get in the garage and wasn't allowed into the lobby. I started yelling and Jason arrived and told me to leave before the cops came and arrested me. I told him to get his boss down here to talk to me or I would continue making a scene. He told me that mr Grey was unavailable and that after I injured him he wouldn't be available for me to hurt him again. The police arrived and he told them about my kicking his boss in the balls recently and he has videos. He also said I was creating a scene trying to get to his boss and as his head of security he wasn't going to allow me another chance of hurting the man again. They handcuffed me and I am going to be charged with civi disturbance and once they get the video I will be charged with assault. I call Thomas and ask him to help me get out on bail, he refused to.

I am not going to bail Allison out after she has thrown a fit about things. I saw my mom throw a fit because dad wasn't bringing in millions and providing her with the best. Us children weren't allowed to buy things that weren't used or on clearance, yet she bought the best for herself. Allison reminded me of her in the aspects she thought she should still get rewards from someone else's hard work even after she assaulted him. I think she is still willing to hurt him but more if she gets out. I am not losing any money or assets to bail her out for any reason. I mean after all she can find another man, meanwhile I have a new bed buddy. But she comes with her own money. I got rid of all evidence of Allison being here. Now the real fun begins.

Thomas Lincoln has been seeing someone else and hasn't bailed Allison out. We are having him followed and once Allison is out we are going to have her watched. It is my job to assure the Greys family protection and I have a lot of people who are assuring all of their safety. Coverts and CPO's are always being hired and fired by me. Mr Grey sometimes fires them, but not all of them. He fires them when it makes a big splash the negligible splash, I fire them.

I am thinking of Anastasia as I get ready for the New Years Eve party and I fantasize about her body under mine and I know what I am going to do to her tonight. Can I be in love with her this quickly? I am thinking of buying us a home on the sound. I am looking at rings too. Jason and Gail like that she is nicer than Allison to me. But a lot of people are nicer to me than her. I mean who try's to destroy my things and then kicks me in the balls over a gift from someone? No one but her because she is jealous. She was having sex with Thomas Lincoln for almost four months.

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