Chapter Four: Sensations.

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(Yay an early chapter! Hope ya enjoy :>)

A couple of weeks had passed since Orange's little 'run-in' with Black, and so far, the weeks were going by smoothly.

Every time Orange roamed alone in the corridors, Black never leapt out at her. Which was odd, since Pink explained in a crystal-clear monologue, that he almost always killed crewmates this way. Most times it was decapitation, others, much more.. gruesome.

Nonetheless, as long as Orange was being left alone, she didn't really care.

Until one faithful day, this occurred. Orange was relaxing inside of the O2 room, when out of nowhere, Pink barged in, panting like a dog. "O-Orange..!" Pink huffed, grabbing a hold of the door frame, "..Come to the cafeteria, please."

"Okay..? What's this gonna be about?" Orange quietly mumbled, following Pink to the Cafeteria. When she finally got there, she noticed.. more people? Orange never thought to see more people on this massive ship, since most of the time she didn't find any.

 The first person she saw was Maroon. He was a bit on the short side, but was twirling a shiny, freshly cleaned golden knife that reeked of bleach. A bandanna of the sorts was tied around his forehead, it being a deep, pale lavender color.

Orange looked over to find a really short, stubby looking male. A purple cone with white stripes sat on their head, and a crazed, bloodlust-craving expression always remained on them. Orange got the feeling that the person Pink was describing as 'creepy', was them.

The next two people she saw looked similar to.. well, how else would Orange put it? Oh yeah, Christmas lights. The first person was Red. He was holding what looked to be a pistol, and was cleaning it. The next person was Green, he was currently glaring at Orange like she would become their next kill.

Finally, there was White. White had a gleaming golden halo hover over his head, and a cocky expression laced onto his face, like it was stitched on. White walked over to Orange, grabbing her hand, giving it a gentle kiss. "Good morning, lil lady." He cooed, looking at Orange with a prideful expression.

"Ew." Orange tugged her hand away, rubbing it. White snorted, walking off. Orange looked over at Pink, "Does he always do that?" Pink shook her head no, "He only does it on rare occasions." Pink muttered, she then looked over at a tired crewmate, grabbing Orange's sleeve.

"That's Yellow.." Pink swooned, staring at them with a lovey-dovey expression. "Ew, again." Orange grumbled, grabbing Pink's hand. "Can you take your lovesicked hand off of my sleeve before it infects me?" Pink quickly let go of Orange, looking at her with a flustered expression, "S-sorry, I just-"

"Have a fat crush on Yellow?" Orange finished, raising a brow. Pink let out a shameful sigh, nodding her head yes. Orange snorted, shaking her head. A low chuckle escaped her quickly, "Who knew my guide would have a crush?"

Pink punched Orange in the arm, causing her to flinch in alarm. "OW!-" Orange shot a glare at Pink, who was skipping over to Yellow, giggling softly.

Rude. Orange thought, rubbing her arm. She winced, looking down at it and rolling up her sleeve, That's gonna bruise..

Meanwhile, however, someone else was having a bit of trouble.

(Black POV, I choose you!)

Black was pacing around in electrical, growling to himself. Today was the day he would properly introduce himself to that.. crewmate..

"Curse these thoughts," Black growled hoarsely, punching a nearby generator. He couldn't get that crewmate out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried.


Black whirled around, seeing Maroon slowly creep out of the vent. "Woah, boss man." Maroon chuckled, looking at Black with a cocky expression, "What's got you so red in the face?"

Black never really noticed. He let out a low snarl, turning away. Stop it. Stop this. You shouldn't be flustered, you're a leader god dammit. Black thought angrily, and without warning, took out his massive knife, slamming it into the wall beside them.

Maroon let out a whistle, "Sheesh, boss man, is teasin' not appropriate right now?" Maroon chuckled, leaning against the wall behind him.

"Maroon, if you do not shut it, I will personally slit your throat." Black glared at Maroon, a crimson glow radiating from his visor. Maroon held up both hands, looking at Black with a much more calmer expression. "..Boss man, everyones waitin' on ya, y'know?"

Black narrowed his eyes, "You think I do not know that?" Maroon snorted, pulling out his golden knife to twirl, "Yeep. Now c'mon then, will ya? You can have those sensations later."

With that, Maroon slipped back into the vent infront of him, gone.

Black snarled again, "I do not have those pitiful sensations, Maroon.." Black spoke low, and cold, but soon realized he was speaking to himself. He let out a low sigh, rubbing his temples. Control yourself, do not admit to those.. sensations.

(Back to Orange POV :D)

Orange sighed. She noticed Maroon hopping out of a nearby vent, approaching White, and began to talk to them, mentioning the words, 'boss man'.

Orange raised a brow, shaking her head. Ain't your problem, Orange. Focus on trying to find something to entertain yourself.

Just then, the room went sickly quiet. A crimson glow started to radiate from the first corridor, the one Orange was directly looking at.

"Seems we meet again, little crewmate.." A voice cooed from the shadows. Deep, hoarse, and glitchy.. the same one from before..-


~End of Chapter Four.~

Word Count - 904

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