chapter 6.

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They arrive at the address. "I'm still processing the fact you don't even have a license" kyle says and shivers. Mason grins. "There's more you don't know about me" he says.

Kyle blinks. "What?" He says. Mason smiles. "Nevermind, did you see the news?" He asks. Kyle frowns. "Why?"

Mason chuckles and pulls out his phone. He typed something and shows it to Kyle.


As you all have probably heard, the old abandoned house next to the road, the one in the middle of nowhere. Was set on fire.

Police have found two boys' corpses inside of the house. We have identified them as
Ethan (E) & Aiden. (A)

We don't know much about the subject yet.
We've asked the family members from E, but they don't know. Here's the interview from Alex, E's brother.

"He told me not to wait"

Alex: When Ethan came to me on thursday afternoon, he had a strange vibe. He was acting all secretive and stuff. He told me not to 'call the police'. He then asked me to drive him to that address. The abandoned house in the middle of nowhere.

I was a little suspicious but I waved it away. *sniff* so I brought him there. He told me not to wait for him.

I was scared. I was worried he'll do something stupid. He's done that before, he punched a store woman in the face. But that was a smaller matter..

He never mentioned going to see Aiden or anything. I had no idea. I seriously didn't.


Let us know what you all think. You can do that on the link below and...

Kyle blinks. "They said teenagers, like, more. That were two." He says. Mason chuckles. "Alright I forgot," he says and types in something else. "Here's the other one"


their names: Alec, Jason, Ava, Mavis and Cleo.

Jason: toilets.
Ava:Bits of her bones were found in the school gardens.
Cleo:bits of her skull were found in the P.E hall.
Alec:outside, in front of the school.
Mavis: outside, in front of the school.

Ava- still unknown.
Cleo- we don't know for sure. (Unknown)
Mavis- stabbed in the back.
Alec- stomach got ripped open somehow, died of  blood loss.
Jason- overdose. Probably hit in the stomach before.


kyle looks at Mason.
"Are you an actor or a detective?" He asks. Mason smirks. "Maybe a little bit of both" he says. Kyle sighs. "So? What were you thinking about showing me this?" He asks.

Mason acts as if he's thinking. "Maybe we're next. You know, we are around their age." He says. Kyle nods. "Yeah but that doesn't mean we will die too. Not everyone dies because they're around their age"

Mason rolls with his eyes. "I have a feeling. We are being targeted. We're next. Trust me.
It'll come when you least expect it." He says. Kyle blinks. "That's dark as hell man." He says.

Mason smiles. "Just how you like your coffee, you know that arctic monkeys song?" He asks. Kyle scoffs. "I prefer Mitski" he says. Mason grins.

"Only real men listen to Mitski" kyle says. Mason rolls with his eyes. "Sure, sure. Then you, a real man, wouldn't mind dating me, a plastic man?" He asks. Kyle raises an eyebrow.

"What the fuck dude" he says. Mason pouts. "You don't like me at all? Not even a little bit?" He asks. Kyle shakes his head. "Why would I?" He asks. Mason rolls with his eyes.

"By the way, Kyle, do you want to be a detective? We could be undercovers" mason says. Kyle chuckles. "Only if you write the info down, I won't do it otherwise" he says.

Mason smiles. "That's settled then. Good to work with you." He says and gently offers a hand. Kyle raises an eyebrow. Mason sighs and grabs Kyle's hand and shakes it. "Great business." He says and pulls Kyle into the building with him.

He stops abruptly in the hall. "Wait," he says and turns around. Kyle looks behind him. "Don't you also feel like you're being watched?" Mason asks. Kyle frowns. "Not really, why?" Mason narrows his eyes and looks around.

Kyle looks around too. "Why are you looking around like a damn lizzard?" He asks. Mason rolls with his eyes. "I told you we're next" he says and pulls Kyle with him again.

(Yes, they were holding hands the entire time😘)

Mason quickly closes the door of the studio behind them and walks up to his manager, leaving kyle standing at the door like a lost kid at Walmart.

His manager looks at Kyle and smiles. "Kyle! Come over here!" He says. Mason smiles as kyle slowly walks towards them.

Kyle blinks and looks at the manager. What did this old weirdo want from him? Mason leans forward on his toes. And backwards on his heels. He repeats doing that.

His manager raises an eyebrow. "Is there something?" He asks mason. "Uhm, no, nothing really Im just nervous, what if they dont use my good side? Or the wrong angle?" Mason says.

Kyle scoffs. "You're seriously worried about that?" He asks. "You're not?" Mason returns the question. "Of course not, I'm not getting photographed." Kyle says.

Mason grins. "Wow lucky you" he says. Kyle nods. "I thought so too" he says. Mason chuckles. He looks at his manager. "I'm thirsty" he says. His manager quickly gets up and grabs a glass of water for him.

Mason smiles as he chugs the water down in an inhuman speed. "Ahhh  great, thanks" he says and puts the glass down. "By the way, did you hear about those teenagers dying? Apparently they got shot." His manager says.

Mason raises his eyebrows. "And why did they have a gun? Or who shot them? Did the police catch them yet?" He asks. His manager clears his throat. "The gun was in the room with them. They took a DNA test and its most likely a suicide and a murder." He says.

Mason drops his shoulders. "Oh" he says.
His manager nods. "Yeah. Its awful" he says. "And they told nobody that something was going on?" Kyle asks. The manager shakes his head. "Nope" he says.

Mason turns to kyle. "So, kyle, if anything ever happens, tell me. People are dying out there now" he says. Kyle rolls with his eyes. "People die every single fucking day. There's probably someone dying right now and you wouldn't think about it because you don't know it" he says.

Mason blinks. "Still-" he says but his manager cuts him off. "He's just making an excuse to talk to you more" he says. Mason glares at him. "Don't you spill my secrets before I spill sulfuric acid over you" he snaps.

His manager swallows. "Got it" he says and silently sips his coffee.

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