Match point pt 2

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Damon's POV

I wake up and take my crutches and stand up and walk out to see.

No one is here and Hailey asleep on the couch.

There's a boot cast on my foot just for extra protection.

I look around in the kitchen for my pills I lose my balance and then I fall flat on my back causing a big bang.

"Shit" I say sitting up.

I look over to see Hailey walking over.

She walks behind me and hooks her arms under mine and helps me up.

"You don't have too" I say.

"you're in no position to play tough guy" she says to me as she grabs my crutches.

She gives them to me.

"Go sit down what do you need?" She asks me.

I make my way over and take a seat.

"pills greenish yellow bottle" I tell her.

"And some water" I say she brings the two pills and a glass of water I take em and chug the glass of water.

"Hardest part is the no drinking" I say to her.

"Axel mentioned that you quit" she says from the kitchen.

"Ah ya I did but they needed the creative off the hook ruthless me not mellow me" I say to her.

"Ah so it was Josie" she says from the kitchen.

I don't say anything.

"I'll take the silence as a yes" she says to me.

She walks over and puts a smoke in my mouth and lights it takes one herself.

"You smoking again" she says looking at me.

"Remember when Clair caught us behind your old house man was she pissed" she says I smile and nod.

"To the day I've never heard her scream like that" I say chuckling.

"Do you remember who's voice it was?" I ask her she shakes her head.

"I'm scared kota" she says looking at me.

I look around.

"No one's here they all went to practice" she tells me I nod.

"Don't be I won't let anything happen to you" I tell her and take a drag.

"How can you still be so confident after what just happened to you?" She asks me.

I look at her.

"you haven't seen me fight I could've easily taken them" I tell her she shakes her head.

"The only way they had a chance was with the baseball bats and the element of surprise" I tell her.

"Ya we were having a moment there" she says I sigh.

"Glad we didn't" I tell her she looks at me.

"I almost had you didn't I" she says smugly I glance at her.

Then the door opens.

It's Ed with Axel and Liam.

Hailey looks behind her and jumps up I've never seen someone move that fast.

She stands by the chair.

I reach behind me and pull out a gun that I keep in a vent they all step back except Ed.

"Can't protect myself but this sure will" I say putting it in my lap then I take a drag.

"Damon their here to tell you they had no part" Ed says to me.

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